In the long time that followed, Dorwinion was visited by the mysterious Men known as Easterlings from beyond the Sea of Rhûn. A people split into many subcultures, tribes, and political alliances, their reasons for arrival was just as varied. Some arrived for trade and commerce hawking luxuries and mysteries from the Eastern lands, some arrived to settle lush green land, and some - like the feared Wainriders or the Balcoth arrived with the most base of dreams - the bloody desire for war and conquest. Known for a legendary war-like temperament they paraded through the land on their forays into Rhovanion and on their warpaths of conquest into the land the lands of held by the Kingdom of Gondor. They aligned Aligned with like-minded Men in the Haradrim
ling Haradrim, Easterling people known as the Wainriders organized with Haradrim to attempt their great invasion of Gondor (and it's subsequent failure at the great Battle of the Camp) and later the Easterling people known as the Balcoth attempted the same and were defeated at the great Battle of Celebrant Field,
It is common knowledge that accusing, or comparing, a Dorwinion to an Easterling is the gravest of insults and as such no Dorwinion would claim it of themselves for Dorwinions are not Easterlings. That said, some of Rhovanion do not make the distinction between the two.
The Land of Dorwinion
The land of Dorwinion sits south and east of Rhovanion, following where the River Running (which the Wood Elves call the Celduin) meets the Red Water (Carnen) flowing out from the Iron Hills on it's long travel towards the Inland Sea in the great land of Rhûn.
Note for Elven or RPP Sage Role Roleplay: In an Age past, Dorwinion was settled by a host of the Eldar who named the place Dorwinion in their own tongue as homage to a garden region on Tol Eressëa, the Lonely Isle. This populace eventually