

Out of Date

This information is out of date and needs to be updated. -Nim

Basic information about seasons and where the code uses this information.

Currently there are only two seasons, SEASON_NEAR and SEASON_FAR because of Atonement being on the moon. We'll have to remark out the four lines for spring, summer, fall and winter and make some more changes as well later after the TIME issue is completely resolved.

Seasons programming info:

//#define SPRING 0
//#define SUMMER 1
//#define AUTUMN 2
//#define WINTER 3
// We have two moon seasons: near and far on our axial tilt. Modifies temperature a little.
#define SEASON_NEAR 0
#define SEASON_FAR 1
// time_info_data structure uses season as an integer.
//arena_gladiators class uses season as an integer
// subcraft_head_data uses seasons as an integer array (set to 7) - not sure why
season_time set as external variable in protos.h - set as INTEGER
season_name[] set up as a const in protos.h - character string
void craft_seasons (CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument, char *subcmd);


season_time set as external variable in protos.h - set as INTEGER
season_name[] set up as a const in protos.h - character string
void craft_seasons (CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument, char *subcmd);

const char *season_string[4] = {
const char *seasons[] = {
const char *season_name[4] // = (character pointer array)

### db.cpp ###
time_info.season is used quite a bit used in function reset_time

### arena.cpp ###
used a lot

### act.other.cpp ###
seasonal_penalty used in delayed_forage

### OLC.CPP ###
update_crafts_file - looks for season checks in craft with seasonchk

### CRAFTS.CPP ###
uses for season check

sets seasonal_temps[6][12] array with temps
used to set temp_base in calcTemp
used to determine chance of rain in weather() function
season is set in weather_and_time() function

Copyright 2015 Shadows of Isildur