Men of Dale

Men of Dale

**Note to Players** Due to the time span between Smaug’s desolation of Dale and our present time, no Men-born characters would have been alive during the time of Dale. It would be over 150 years between. Please too keep in mind that while in today’s standards of average lifetimes amongst our elderly, in the era to which our game is built upon, living to 50 would be comparable to living to 90 today. So it is extremely unlikely to claim that your character’s lifetime overlapped with a relative who was alive during the reign of Dale. Your character will likely be looked at as mad for claiming such.


Men of Dale Reference

  • Dale was the city-state of Rhovanion for much of its lifetime, from the time it which is was formed with the coming of dwarves and the birth of Erebor to the leaving of dwarves and the destruction of Erebor at the claws and tongue of Smaug. Dale was a stone-wrought city famous for its tinkers, toymakers, jewelers, masons and blade-smiths. It was the home and seat of the Kings of Rhovanion, which exist now only in the thinned out bloodlines.

  • Men of Dale make their home in Laketown; a town which survives not only on the fish produced from Long Lake but from the ebb and flow of commerce that flows through its imports and exports system ruled by the Artisan Union.

  • The Kings of Rhovanion held their home and throne in Dale though with its destruction, the Kings are long gone leaving only a ragged line of descendants.

  • The three families of Dale that maintain proper standing and blood lines are Steinopala, Leikrmogr and Brandrkind. They are not of the King’s blood but of noble families that once thrived in Dale.

  • Men of Dale were famous for their jewelry, stoneworks, masonry, blades, trinkets, tinkers and toymakers. 

  • Dale, while a ruin, still stands empty and decaying at the feet of the Lonely Mountain and no one would dare trespass there for the risk of waking Smaug could cost Laketown and the safety of the refugees from Dale who have long since made their home therein. Due to the risk, it is common that scouts from the Sons of Girion bar trespassers from passage. 


Playing one of the Men of Dale:  Quick Tips

  • Those born of the lines of Dale are born predominantly with straight, very dark-brown hair or black and very dark brown eyes. Due to the preference of maintaining Dale lines blond and red hair are impossible as is green, hazel, blue, black or grey eyes.

  • Those born of the lines of Dale are born and raised either in Laketown or upon it’s shores. Due to tradition and the want of remaining close to Dale, they do not stray far from it. In an attempt to maintain the lines of Dale, it is extremely rare, if not deemed anathema to their nature for Men of Dale lines to marry or breed outside of those of Rhovanion. Those that do are stricken from their records.

  • The Men born of Dale blood, by tradition, keep a clean-shaven face, avoiding beard to stand apart from their Rhovanion brethren and never a mustache for the implication of being considered Dorwinion with their black hair would be paramount to calling their mother a Southglain strumpet.

  • Hair length, like much of Rhovanion, can be an immediate implication of one’s wealth or health for maintaining hair, both clean and free of vermin, is a costly factor in one’s day to day life. Thus, the Men of Dale are more apt to wear their hair long even in poverty, scraping coin together to maintain a sense of pride and tradition to days long lost. Where women of Rhovanion are more likely to braid their hair, the women born of Dale lines generally leave it unplaited though will collect it and hold it back in hair-rings which are commonly wrought of metal or stone. Wood, bone or shell are generally deemed a poor man’s fair and thus not worn, for establishing an outward semblance of wealth and position is necessary to the Men of Dale – a way to pay homage to their roots. Hair-rings are not a fashion for a man, though for those of a working nature, he might pull back the top half of his hair into a simple tail or plait and bind it with leather lace. Anything more would trespass on a woman’s fashion sense.

  • There is some deep-rooted mistrust for Men of Dale in Dwarves and Dorwinions. Dwarves represent the sundering of Dale and a loss of the great status of the realm, on which Dwarves are partially blamed - for it was the wealth of Erebor that Smaug the Terrible sought. Those of the Iron Hills are accepted more readily for the importance of trade and they further they are viewed as more legitimate, having a Lord and leader of their own compared to the wandering refugees of Erebor. 

Dorwinions are rarely if ever truly trusted by Men of Dale, finding the lot little more than thieves, raiders, pirates and gypsies that are just going to steal hearts, babies and anything that can be picked up. There are some who believe that Dorwinions are little more than Easterlings or worse, Haradwaith, though it is not considered very wise to voice such in the presence of a Dorwinion for fear of being cut.

Dorwinions in Laketown are best known to the populace as being two separate entities; the Kandavan and the Gypsies. The Kandavan are the visible embodiment of Dorwinion wealth and luxury in Laketown, the Merchant Family appearing as much as nobility as could come out of Dorwinion. They have a hand directly or indirectly of all import into and out of Dorwinion running through Laketown. Rhovanions from Laketown, or in Laketown, are likely to show deference and caste-respect to the clearly rich and well-positioned Kandavan, if they have a mind for luxury goods. 

Gypsies are a different beast all together. They’re rarely encouraged to make a permanent home in Laketown, welcome few places other than the Rookery (and among it's masters, the Crows) and amongst enclaves of their own kind and treated as would-be never-do-wells. Those that do manage to find themselves some sort of obliging corner of respect with polite society generally eek out livelihoods in work with wine, music, or food - the area that Rhovanions begrudgingly accept that they excel in. 

  • Men of Dale, like the rest of Rhovanion, do not tattoo or pierce their flesh (save the ears of women), as these are both seen as the activities of gypsies and pirates or the lowly gamblers of Southglain which are likely either gypsy or pirate in blood anyways. Rumor holds that the sole known exception to this rule is that high-ranking members of the Crows, the dreaded gang of the Underdocks of Laketown are known to have tattoos as an incentive it is said against being caught - as their guilt and likely execution is then a given. 

  • The common clothes worn in Rhovanion are generally linen, wool, or nettle and as with much of the rest of the world, the more and the better quality of cloth one wears is a clear sign of wealth and station. Rhovanions, particularly those in Laketown, improve the look of even the dowdiest of fabrics with weaving patterns like herringbone and dogstooth that provide a contrast of color and give a finer appearance to otherwise nappy fabrics. Many will often combine wearing different patterns and fabrics.  

Those of Dale lines often, when fortune allows, will dress in the nature of Dale wearing long, leather overcoats and favor leather tunics to jerkins. The trend of leather over cloth in Dale is said to have been at the behest of dwarven influence for dwarves do not weave and prefer to clothe themselves in leather. Longcoats are a definitive fashion known to the dwarves of Erebor, as well.  What decoration adorns their attire is often that of a runic nature.

Dale-born women dress in feminine attire such as shifts, chemises, skirts, and flowing cloaks with shoes or boots. The most traditional style is over-dresses of an apron-dress style. It is very common for Dale-born women to prefer their overdresses or apron-dresses to be that of leather but will adhere to cloth skirts. Blouses, sleeveless vests, and feminine long-coats are gaining as a popular fashion though they prefer their bodices to be leather more oft than cloth. Women do not properly show the sleeves or hems of their shifts or chemise undergarments. To do so is a sign of questionable virtue or abject poverty. Those who have maintained proper standing or wealth will wear the traditional overdress style of Rhovanion with a hangerock - a highly embroidered female tabard like garment often displaying the symbols of history of themselves of their line in some stylized fashion.  

Dale-born men dress in masculine attire of such things as trousers, jerkins, tunics, vests and shoes or boots though prefer longcoats over cloaks and generally will wear a leather knee-length tunic, jerkin or vest overtop a cloth shirt or tunic. Where some Rhovanion men will mimic those of Dorwinion in Laketown, Men of Dale would find it wholly repugnant to the traditions of Dale. Those who have maintained proper status and standing, as well as wealth, will dress in fashions little distinguishable to an outside from high-stationed merchants from the Iron Hills or Rohan - in long overcoats and knee-length tunics usually heavily embroidered and decorated, generally worn with high-boots or layered cloaks with variant colored linings.

Most clothing in Rhovanion is of a long-sleeved and round-necked nature, adorned in lacing, brooches, toggles, and buttons. Embroidery and decoration with tablet-woven ribbon edging are the most common forms of decoration. Heels upon boots or shoes is a common sight in the footwear of men of wealth only.  Both sexes will wear knitted or naelbound (a more ancient Rhovanion art of needlework) gloves, scarves, hats, as the weather requires. Knitted socks and leg wraps are common during the colder months as well. The poorest will wear simple foot wraps - strips of rags or bandages around their feet inside their shoes. 

  • Those of the Old Blood - descendants of the old nobility of Dale, usually forebear more traditional patronymic or occupation based surnames and are simply referred to Master/Mistress (Given Name) of Dale.  Soldiers of the Sons of Girion and other traditionally-inclined educated people (including often those from Gondor who have a more defined understanding of nobility) will likely refer of those of the Old Blood as Lord or Lady, though that quickly falls out of favor with younger generations.

Note to Player: Despite the terminology used in title, your character has no legitimate nobility claim, no wealth, no property, nor tangible social status above others in Laketown. 

Those of the Old Blood are a dwindling number. While many invested themselves in the new mercantile nature of Laketown after it was rebuilt from the ashes of Esgaroth, others formed the Sons of Girion to marshal the control of Mirkwood for the safety of the town. Still others find themselves respected by the people for the heritage, candor, and honor they often represent and embody and yet find themselves on the edges of society for a lack of understanding of the new "currency" of the realm. 

  • Dalish is spoken readily in Laketown, not only as the traditional language of poetry and song, but as a staple of Rhovanion culture. All those of Laketown also learn to speak Westron (known as the Common Tongue) for ease of trade with the many foreigners in the city. Many jest that Dalish holds such sway in Laketown to allow gossip in front of foreigners (particularly Dorwinions) who are rarely familiar with the tongue, unless they are from the Khilriad.

  • Men of Dale follow the same laws, rules and mercantile traditions of Laketown as Dale itself is the mother of much of those, including the Artisan Union which though is born of Laketown has a foundation in the old markets and importation and exportation roots of Dale itself.

  • Bowing is well known to be an act of the wayward and thieving gypsy and pirate, some barbaric custom from the East. Only high minded merchants trying to court deals with the Kandavan would attempt doing so to them. 

The traditional greeting of respect for Men of Dale is the same for the rest of Rhovanion by way of placing a hand to one's heart with a flat right hand and an inclination of the head. Waving or simply nodding are less formal ways of greeting. For warriors and those bearing arms, a formal greeting is to place the right hand on the heart with a flat palm and to place the other about the hilt of one's weapon to show that one means no harm or violence to the other party. 

It is more common to simply wave to one another. While they do either the old no-wave gesture or the common wave, they often will either speak "Good Day/Night/Morning etc." Beyond greeting, to show deference to someone of higher rank or station, a man or woman of Rhovanion, after offering the customary greeting will let said person go about their business.. This detachment is not a sign of indifference or being slighted, it gives the person of higher rank or station in society the power to approach the lower person or not. In acknowledging someone of lower station in society, be it rank, blood or wealth, the higher individual will lift an eyebrow with a silent ‘Yes, I see you’ mannerism.

When greeting or parlaying with another born of the Old Blood, the lines of Dale, there is a definitively more formal and at the same time more familiar manner to it. Men of Dale greet each other squarely, place a fist over their heart, knuckles in, and do not incline their head. Their free hand is used to touch the other’s shoulder and the touch lingers only as long as the heart gesture does. For women, it is much the same though the palm is flat to their heart rather than a fist.

  • The common phrasing for greeting of a common man or woman is Miss or Mister. Sir is granted, generally, in Rhovanion solely to Officers in the Sons of Girion (Citadel) and higher ranks in the local Guard. The use of Sir is not to insinuate one as Lordship or as a Knight as such distinctions are purely Gondorian. The use of Sir for anything but the two above generally designates the speaker as a foreigner. 

For Men of Dale, it is far more likely to refer to each other as Master or Mistress but this is not something they would bestow upon someone not born of the lines of Dale. To hear one whom is not born of Dale referred to as Master or Mistress it would be a slight to them. Similarly, if Lord or Lady is a title bestowed upon a common person, it would too be a slight and in the presence of nobility from Gondor or Rohan, it is quite polite for Men of Dale to refer to themselves as Master or Mistress so as to not offend the noble blood present.


The Lines of Dale

  • Many of the families of Dale have long since been lost to the passage of time and the thinning out of blood-lines but three remain, their sons and daughters coveted to maintain what little they can of their lost heritage.

**Note to Players**: It is important to note that Men of Dale do not give their family name as a surname by any means, they are not called ‘Fred Steinopala’ they would instead be Fred, Son of Balin (Fred’s Dad). It is uncommon to share the name of their line verbally but carry it visually upon their family’s crest which is more than likely decorating a hair-ring, medallion or arm-ring. Signet rings are worn only by the eldest male of the line and it moves between the males upon death.

The Steinopala

The Steinopala are known for their heritage as stone-workers, jewelers and masons. Once they thrived in the great wealth and riches born of Erebor and were famous for their intricate works. Though in the passage of time and the loss of Dale, the Steinopala have diminished. Their wondrous jewelry and sculpted works trumped by the superior hands of those of Redwater and the dwarves of the Iron Hills yet still their masonry remains, steadfast and true as the lingering walls and halls of Dale left vacant save for the ghosts of those lost there. Despite the wood-wrought existence of Laketown, the Steinopala’s masonry is sought for and well-paid given that stone is far more valuable than wood upon the lake-born town and even more so amongst the homesteads and farmsteads dappling the shores of Long Lake.

The sons and daughters of Steinopala are known for their willowy aspects, tall for those of Rhovanion but not reaching six feet nor taller, and brawny. Broad-shoulders and hips and long, narrow faces are common features in both genders and their remarked for their very fair, if not pale complexion. They are predominantly dark-haired, often sable-brown moreso than black though it is common to have black undertones or roots and those with Redwater bonds tend to have the barest hint of red to their dark hair in the sun. Their eyes are almost always a very dark, woodsy brown that is at times compared to the bole-brown of clay. It is the usual custom amongst the daughters to wear stone or gemstone hair-rings and for the men to wear beaded necklaces of either stone or gemstone. It is uncommon for one of this line to wear metal accoutrements over stone, as if to remind the world that they are the sons and daughters of stone itself in Dale.

The Steinopala are the most likely of the three families to thin their lines with other Rhovanions and not just the descendants of Dale though they seem to prefer to pick their would-be marital partners from Redwater. These unions are not about romance or beauty, they are pragmatic business deals between parents to ensure the Steinopala maintain their glorious traditions of stoneworking. Children born of Redwater unions with red hair are married outside of the family lines, if not raised by their Redwater kin, and are not considered Steinopala.

The crest of the Steinopala is the ‘S’ rune superimposing a facet-cut gemstone upon a kite-shaped shield.

The Leikrmogr

A common pursuit of the merchants and tinkers of Dale was to mimic and reproduce the toys, games and trinkets famously-made by the dwarves of Erebor. Their reproductions had a hodgepodge feel of trying to blend the styles of Men with the runic, gear-heavy styles of the dwarves and often this gave the wares the appeal of being unique and intricate while still maintaining some of the normality familiar to Men. The Leikrmogr were by no means the best nor the largest nor the most successful of the tinkers and toymakers of Dale but after the Desolation they were the only family of such pursuits to survive through the years and maintain their traditional ways. In the days of Dale the Leikrmogr specialized in mostly games but in the years since its loss have branched out further in the making of toys, trinkets, puzzles and other leisurely pursuits that have gained them some reknown.

The sons and daughters of the Leikrmogr are commonly tall for Rhovanions but not quite six foot and never taller and are of a slender, willowy quality and bear high cheekbones, tear-shaped eyes and all share the same small, rounded chin with a bow-shaped mouth giving the line a definitive air of similarity within their ranks; a look of family. Their hair tends to be sable, a montage of black with brown undertones and their eyes are uniformly a very dark, umber brown.

The Leikrmogr are extremely stringent upon their bloodlines and are careful in their marital contracts with the Brandrkind and Steinopala, preferring the former due to the latter’s thinned-out state with Redwater blood. They are a secretive, generally less social bunch and some would describe them as a mad bunch given that they’re very fond of riddles, puzzles and surprises which often can make little to no sense to outsiders. They too are quite superstitious and adhere to the color beliefs of Rhovanion almost to an extreme, wearing colors to display their lives in a silent manner.

The crest of the Leikrmogr is an ‘L’ in the runic alphabet superimposed by a hnefatafl board on a kite-shaped shield.

The Brandrkind

The Brandrkind, the Children of Blades, as surely as the Steinopala are born of stone and the Leikrmogr are wrought of games and puzzles, are said to enter this world with blade in hand and leave it much the same. The most likely to enter the ranks of the Sons of Girion, though some claim it to have been of their making, the Brandrkind are two edges of a sword: warrior and smith. It is paramount in their lines to not only know how to use a blade but how to make it aswell. In the time of Dale the family was not the best of bladeworkers nor the least, they were simply one of many who profited from the metal-rich mountain rising above Erebor and the dwarves that dwelt in its depths. Then, they were not so much warrions, but as the passage of time and the loss of Dale took hold, they survived excelling in the use of their fine works.

The sons and daughters of Brandrkind are commonly taller than most Rhovanions though do not reach nor exceed six feet. They’re a slender lot, similar to the Leikrmogr though they’re not as slender nor as brawny as the Steinopala. Broad through the shoulders the men are narrow through the hip and both genders are of a leggy, sometimes coltish aspect. The women tend to be more shapely, less thick like the Steinopala and not so willowy as the Leikrmogr. Their faces are more ovular with chiseled cheeks, chisieled jaws and dimples in cheeks or chins quite common to them. Their hair is predominantly black and their eye color is described more as the deep, dark and watery brown of tea or coffee.

Due to their black hair, the sons and daughters of Brandrkind are more likely to be confused by the ignorant for Dorwinion and thus are more likely to take grave offense and get into a scuffle over the slight. The Brandrkind are proud of their Dale lineage and have short, quick tempers which get compared to the feisty fires of the dwarves the Men of Dale so oft delt with. The Brandrkind are also the most wary and most unforgiving of the dwarves that cost them Dale and are commonly known for their abundant dislike of dwarves and Dorwinions as a whole. Due to their new-found foundation of military ways with the Sons of Girion, the Brandrkind are as stern and steely as the blades they forge and as deadly with their use. They are so superstitious with their blades, it is common that they will only use that which they have forged or has been forged by the hand of their kin and will name their blade, letting no other hold it for they might taint it with bad fortune and luck in battle.

The crest of the Brandrkind is a ‘B’ in the runic alphabet superimposing an anvil on a kite-shaped shield.

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