Code Abuse and Twinkery

Code Abuse and Twinkery

As hard as we try, the code is obviously far from foolproof. It is, after all, only code; it lacks the sense of judgment that (most) human admins have, and thus will never be as good an arbiter of situations as a sentient being. Those who seek to take advantage of this weakness to accomplish their own ends, whether it's powering up their characters or wreaking havoc on others, will be dealt with quite harshly. Being aware of a bug and not informing the staff, so that it remains for you to exploit, is strictly against our policies as well. 

It is the players' responsibility to report code abuse and possible abusable commands.  Abuse is taking advantage of a coded command, either by spamming or using it a way that bypasses other in-game checks and balances.

Examples of code abuse:

  • Spamming of commands to bypass coded limitations, scan, search, palm, etc...

  • Using the 'follow' command to follow wildlife npcs that you are hunting.

  • Overuse of the 'petition' command.

  • Overuse of the 'OOC' command, and/or using the OOC command to pass personal information in-game.  Passing you contact information via the OOC command is not tolerated.

Examples of twinkery:

  • Repeated use of the ambush command within a single round of combat 

  • Spamming search when you "know" there is an enemy in the room because you became visible

  • Entering a room and blocking all exits without an emote

  • Using the hit or kill commands without proper roleplay


Triggers and Scripting


The use of ANY TRIGGER OR SCRIPT to send input to the MUD is expressly forbidden in Shadows of Isildur. This includes, but is not limited to, triggers that prevent your character from being disconnected due to idleness, triggers or scripts that focus on skill gain, and scripts to move your character from one place to another ("speedwalks"). Conversely, however, triggers used client-side for things like coloring certain text strings or tripping alert sounds when certain events occur are not in breach of this policy, as they do not send any input to the MUD and do not attempt to garner an unfair advantage. Any infraction of this policy will be dealt with quite harshly, particularly if the infraction involves powergaming.

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