Player Killing

Player Killing

Provided that it is in-character, player killing is allowed on SoI. However, we do ask that you bear in mind that people often invest a great deal of time and effort in their characters; this is not a hack and slash mud, where once you kill their character, they pop up safe and sound at a respawn point. Shadows of Isildur is a Permadeath game. So, please think carefully before engaging in any such activity; often, there are excellent and interesting RP opportunities to be had as alternatives to killing.

Conversely, as a victim, if you feel you are being treated harshly or unfairly by another player-character - chances are you may be right. As long as it occurs during the course of in-character roleplay, however, and does not violate one of the other policies listed here, such is perfectly acceptable behavior. Remember, not all roleplay you come across will favor your character; adversity is a fact of life in Middle-earth just as it is in our own world.

See also: Death and Resurrection


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