Artisan's Union
Over the past two-hundred years, the Artisan's Union has been the largest and most influential Merchant Fraternity in Wilderland (Rhovanion). Without going over the entire Artisan's Union, it should be known that the AU, based in Laketown, serves as the organizing and regulatory body for commerce for the settlements of Wilderland. This document, then, is an overview of the Licensing requirements for Freemen of the Wilderland to obtain the blessing of the AU and of their respective settlement's Master.
Also, please be aware that all merchants licensed by the Artisan Union are bound by the Artisan's Union Code of Conduct (Rules).
Please be aware that staff reserve the right to change, alter, and modify these requirements at any time. For many Licenses there may be License-specific crafts that are only accessible with said License but not necessarily clan-only or 'patented' by any particular License but more so regulated for making by the Artisan Union. This is a helpful hand to Peddler Licenses that have very limited craftsets for their License.
Tradesmen are the backbone of society in Laketown and in Rhovanion beyond - the day to day men and women who work simple jobs for a daily weekly, or monthly wage. (IE - this is the work you can assume and RP that the better portion of the virtual vNPC population of Laketown is doing.) In Laketown proper, the most common work for such is fishing and barge work, but in other settlements and villages across Rhovanion it can be timber cutting, farm work, or working as a dockhand.
It is typical for Tradesmen to identify by their profession. As trades tend to be passed from fathers to sons, since the fall of Dale, the use of a trade-based surname - Baker, Butcher, Fletcher etc has become increasingly common. Others who follow the old Dalish patronyms (IE - Svensson or Svensdotter) will use their Trade as a nickname in place of their given one, others will utilize their trade as a self imposed title. Regardless of the choice, few coin seeking tradesmen will not inform you of some way about their field. Though few people truly refer to themselves in daily conversation as a "Tradesman" - for most it is simply a term for censuses and tax papers.
As a Tradesman PC you are either a day laborer who runs the daily public "jobs" crafts to represent your daily and varying efforts at finding work, or you work as an employee for a PC or NPC who holds a License of some kind with the Artisan's Union and receive a monthly wage for your work. It is a chance for you to practice with different crafts and skills and see what or if you might want to take the plunge to become a merchant yourself.
Active members of the Laketown Guard or Sons of Girion are not allowed to practice a trade to avoid a conflict of interest. Those who are another's active Apprentice or Manager, or those who are hold their own shop or license are not considered Tradesmen.
To see the jobs available to your character type 'crafts jobs'. There may be a few jobs limited to specific races, clans or roles.
Known in other lands as Bards or Minstrels, Skalds (using the old Dalish term for the position) serve such a position in Laketown and the surrounds of Rhovanion. Reciters of poems, tellers of heroic tales, Skalds are the performers, actors, singers, and dancers of Laketown. A sadly declining role since the fall of the court of the Lord of Dale, still each tavern no matter how dark or ill-kept usually has one on contract or who comes on a whim to bright spirits and turn tears and laughter into more coin.
Those who wish to officially be recognized as Skalds pay an annual fee to be officially permitted to perform in some public venues. One should also of course seek the permission (and perhaps patronage!) of the owner or manager of a public tavern or meeting space before regularly performing there.
There are many would be buskers and beggers who play, sing, juggle on street corners, public gardens, docks, or even boldly in taverns. But those without a proper license who are caught receiving coin risk getting harassed and possibly fined by the Guard, Union officials, or proper Skalds.
To be part of the proper Skald's Guild is a privilege with an ageless tradition, and therefore there are high expectations of personal behavior and skill to join. Losing public favor or getting into criminal affairs can indeed get one removed and blacklisted from the Guild. (Unless perhaps one reaches such a level of notoriety their legend is the fuel for other Skalds great works.)
To see what qualifies membership, cost and ability-wise please seek out the Skald Guild Hall and speak with a representative.
Skalds of good standing may at the Guild's discretion be granted leave to work as a luthier or instrument makers, where a fine trained ear for music is needed to produce the best quality. Skalds can be granted leave to become the official employee of a public house - an Inn, Tavern, Alehouse, Teahouse or Swillhouse. However, loyalty is expected - one can only officially be the Skald for one such place, so many choose not to make such a permanent association and contract performances with a variety of hosts.
Peddler's are those who have decided to hawk their wares in the great Market of Laketown or a similiar market space in a smaller town in Rhovanion - whether to fortune or ruin they take their risk. The simple wooden stalls in the Market sell the simplest of goods crammed side by side from before dawn to dusk trying to get their slice of the days sellings.
As a Peddler, you rent a simple one-roomed stall for the selling of your designated goods. You cannot be a standing member in any other clan or company or hold a different license. You will not earn virtual sales, a salary, or be given any automatic materials. The money you earn will be beholden to other player characters and their shopping. As such this role is best suited for someone who is looking to seek out other players for roleplay to find out their wants and needs to sell desired products.
To note: Your shop space is purely for the placement of your goods and the collection of any money made. Your stall will have a shopkeeper. If your shop is in a lawful area your shopkeeper is assumed by staff to be loyal to the Artist's Union and the law and might indeed report things they see or that you ask them to sell they shouldn't.
The following at the permitted Peddler's Licenses for stalls:
BUTCHER - Artisan specializing in the butchering of meat from land and raw, unworked fats, be it game or livestock.
CLAYMONGER - Artisan specializing in the selling of unfired, unworked clay.
COLLIER - Artisan specializing in the selling of charcoal, coal, and ashes.
CONGERMONGER - Artisan specializing in the selling of raw, domestically grown fruit or berries, and honey.
FISHMONGER - Artisan specializing in the selling of raw fish.
FLETCHER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of finished arrows. Marker is an arrowhead.
FURRIER - Artisan specializing in the selling of unworked, untanned and otherwise raw pelts, furs and skins.
GREEN GROCER - Artisan specializing in the selling of domestically grown raw vegetables.
LUMBERER - Artisan specializing in the selling of raw tree logs, planks, blocks, or firewood.
MILKMONGER - Artisan specializing in the selling of milk, butter, cheese and butter.
MILLER - Artisan specializing in the making of ground grains, meals, and flours.
MINER - Artisan specializing in the selling of raw, unrefined mined ores as in metal.
OYNTER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of oils - whether fish, lamp-oil, animal-wrought oils, or oils for cooking.
SIMPLER - Artisan specializing in the selling of foraged herbs and other flora as well as non-cultivated vegetation and berries.
STONEMONGER - Artisan specializing in the selling of raw, uncut stone and gemstones.
TANNER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of tanned and/or dyed leather squares, hides and pelts.
WEIRKEEPER - Artisan specializing in the selling of clams, oysters, mussels, raw frog meat, raw turtle meat, rock-lobster, crabs, and lake-shrimp.
WOOLSTAPLER - Artisan specializing in the selling of raw, uncarded and harvested wool be it from sheep, goats or yaks. Does not include yarn, bolts of wool or anything made wool.
You rent a shop within the market, this shop has only three rooms; a shopfront, a workroom and a small office, and is not designed for any activities other than the crafting and selling of Licensed goods. The shop does not come equipped with living quarters for the License Holder or any employees. The shop comes with a shopkeeper who is employed by the Artisan Union whom they are loyal to, following the rules and regulations of the A.U. and as such will probably be the first to rat you out to the A.U. for breaking any rules or regulations.
Shops receive NPC and PC sales. The amount of NPC sales does not exceed 500cp per IC month and requires that the shop has adequate stock. Shops can apply for membership to the appropriate Guild which can earn them access to the Guild Hall, specialty tools therein and some social standing. To have Guild membership the License Holder is required to actively pay their dues, keep a clean record with the Artisan Union and stay out of criminal affairs. Trespassing on the good name of the Guilds or the Master can earn a person a lifetime exclusion from membership. Should a License Holder be accepted into membership with the appropriate Guild access to the Halls is limited to the Holder only. A License Holder cannot be employed by any other Clan, Company or License Holder. No License Holder can have more than one License. Freemen do not get a salary or any material kits, their coin is beholden to the success and profits of their rented shop. Freemen can have one Apprentice at a time, said Apprentice must be recognized by the Artisan Union and be filed at Town Hall. Freeman cannot hire outside their Licensure such as an Apiarist couldn't hire a hunter, nor could an Armorcraft employ a knitter, etc. Freemen can have up to 3 employees, whether active or inactive. A Freeman cannot have a Manager of their shop, Manager positions are for NPC-ran shops, clans and companies only.
The following at the permitted Freemen's Licenses for shops:
ACKERMAN - Artisan specializing in the breeding, training and selling of oxen for pulling carts and ploughing.
ALCHEMIST - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of distilled alchemicals.
APIARIST - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of honey, honeycomb, beeswax and apiaries.
APOTHECARY - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of tonics, poultices, medicinal teas, salves, lotions, balms, medicinal syrups and advanced medicines.
ARKWRIGHT - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of chicken coops, chests, trunks, bins, butcher blocks, molds, tanning frames, wooden tools, wooden training weapons, and shop repairs of a wood persuasion.
ARMORSMITH - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of non-maille leather-only armor.
BAKER - Baker specializing in the baking of breads, buns, pies, pastries, and biscuits.
BARGEMEN - Artisan specializing in the handling, use and repair of barges.
BESOM-MAKER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of brooms, brushes, and other house-tending tools.
BILLIER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of axes.
BODICER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of leather and cloth bodices and girdles, belts and bracers, does not include armor.
BOOKWRIGHT - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of paper, blank books, blank journals, ink, quills, bindings, book glue and book brushes.
CARTOGRAPHER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of maps, mapbooks, and cartographing kits.
CARTWRIGHT - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of push-carts, carts, and wagons as well as wheels and parts for repair.
CARVER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of jewelry and combs made from bone, horn, tortoise shell, clam/mussel shell and antler.
CHANDLER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of candles.
CLAYWRIGHT - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of raw clay, clay tiles, bricks, sculpted clay, clay works such as dishes, pots, urns, etc.
CLOAK-MAKER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of leather and cloth cloaks, capes, coats and jackets.
COBBLER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of leather and cloth shoes, boots and slippers.
COOK - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of cooked foodstuffs, does not include baked goods, candies, or pastries.
COOPER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of kegs, casks and barrels.
CONFECTIONER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of candies.
COPTIST - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of study books and book copies.
DISHWRIGHT - Artisan Specializing in the making and selling of dishes, eating utensils such as spoons, forks and knives as well as platters, goblets, tankards, cups, kettles, and serving trays in wood, clay, stone, bone and metal.
DISTILLER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of distilled alcohols.
DRAPER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of cloth-based clothing.
DROVER - Artisan specializing in the training, breeding and selling of cows, sheep, pigs, and goats.
DRUM-MAKER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of percussion instruments.
EBENIST - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of wooden furniture such as beds, cradles, tables, chairs, desks, shelves, wardrobes, cupboards, cabinets, sideboards and benches.
FARMER - Artisan specializing in the making, producing and selling of farmed goods such as raw, cultivated vegetables, cultivated fruits, cultivated berries, raw grains, honey, milk, cheese, butter, eggs and other farm-grown produce.
FINE-JEWELER - Artisan specializing in the making, repairing and selling of mithril, silver, gold, copper, tin and colored-gold-based goods such as jewelry and combs. Includes gem-set pieces.
FOWLER - Artisan specializing in the breeding and selling of chickens, ducks, and domesticated livestock of the fowl persuasion.
FLORIST - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of fresh and dried flowers, arrangements and cloth-wrought flowers.
GARDENER - Artisan specializing in the making, producing and selling of gardened goods such as fresh flowers, cultivated herbs, orchard fruits, cultivated flora, seeds, saplings, and planted flower pots.
GLASS-WRIGHT - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of glassworks, glass glazes and panes for repairing broken windows.
GAMBESONER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of cloth armorments.
GAMEKEEPER - Artisan specializing in the breeding, training and selling of tamed rabbits, songbirds, and rodents as pets.
GLOVER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of leather and cloth gloves.
HATTER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of leather and cloth hats.
HERBALIST - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of fresh and dried herbs, herb sachets and non-medicinal tea-mixes. Includes foraged and cultivated herbs.
HOGGVAR - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of decorative adornments of the jewelry persuasion in wood, bone, horn, clay, and stone. Does not include metal.
JEWELRY-SMITH - Artisan specializing in the making, repairing and selling of iron, bronze, lead and pewter-based goods such as jewelry and combs. Does not include unset stones nor use of gold, silver, copper or tin. .
LANCIER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of lances. .
LAPIDARY - Artisan specializing in the selling of gemstones, raw, cut or polished.
LIMNER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of illustrated books.
LOCKSMITH - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of locks.
LUTHIER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of stringed instruments.
KNIFE-SMITH - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of knives.
KNITTER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of knitted clothing.
LEATHER-DRAPER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of leather-based clothing.
MAILLEMAKER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of maille or metal-wrought armor.
MALE-MAKER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of leather chests, leather baskets, leather satchels, leather bags, leather pouches and leather trunks.
MASON - Artisan specializing in the making, repairs and selling of masonry goods such as building materials, hearth repair, and construction in the realm of stone, brick or clay.
MALSTER - Artisan specializing in making and selling of kegged, casked, and bottled ale and beer.
MEADER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of mead.
MERCER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of bolts of cloth woven on loom or felted. Does not include clothing, only bolts of material.
OSTLER - Artisan specializing in the sale of animal feed and animal care products.
PAINT-MAKER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of milk and oil-based paints for artists and carpenters.
PARCH-MENCHER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of paper, ink and quills.
PICKLER - Artisan specializing in the pickling of vegetables, fruit, fish, and meat.
POLE-TURNER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of pole-arms, spears, pikes and halberds.
PURSER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of leather and cloth purses, packs, satchels and bags.
REED-MAKER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of wind instruments such as flutes and pipes.
SAIL-MAKER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of canvas and sail.
SLATYRSALTR - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of smoked and salted meats, smoked and salted fish and jars of seasoned salts and brine.
SCULPTOR - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of sculpted stone artworks.
SCYTHE-SMITH - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of scythes.
SHIELD-SMITH - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of shields.
SHIPWRIGHT - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of boat and ship parts as well as small boats or ships.
SOAPER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of soap.
STONECARVER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of stone furniture, jars, urns, vases and pots.
SWORD-SMITH - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of a variety of sword types.
TILE-THEEKER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of tiles and other roofing materials, this includes the repair of roofs.
TINCTOR - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of dyes, liquid or powdered pigments - does not include stains or paints.
TRAPPER - Artisan producing traps, snares, and decoys for hunting on land.
TOOL-SMITH - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of metal nails, needles, pins, hinges, buckles, grommets, and tools. Does not include weapons, raw or refined ores.
UPHOLDER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of upholstery pieces for ebenists. Includes pillows, drapes, and cloth-bound mattresses.
VAGINARIUS - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of scabbards and weapon harnesses.
WATTLER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of fencing materials and fences.
WEAVER - Artisan specializing in the weaving of rugs, tapestries and yarn skeins, thread and twine spools.
WEIRMAKER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of fishing traps, fishing equipment such as poles, hooks, lines and nets.
WOODWORKER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of non-jewelry, non-tool, non-weapon, non-dishes, non-furniture woodworks such as children's toys, game pieces, game boards, jars, and wooden hafts and hilts. Marker is a lathe.
YEOMAN - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of bows and arrows. Marker is an arrowhead.
CURER - Artisan specializing in the growing, curing, and flavoring of smoking-leaf/tobacco. A specialty of Breemen and Hobbits. Marker is a tobacco-leaf.
FALCONER - Artisan specializing in the breeding, training and selling of falcons. A specialty of Dorwinion.
FEWTERER - Artisan specializing in the breeding, training and selling of hunting dogs. A Gondorian specialty.
HANDLER - Artisan specializing in the training, breeding and selling of horses. A Rohirrim specialty. Marker is a horse.
HAWKER - Artisan specializing in the breeding, training and selling of hawks. A specialty of Gondorian.
HETHELDER - Artisan specializing in the selling of heather, a Beorning specialty. Marker is a heather-stalk.
IVORIST - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of ivory jewelry and combs, a Dorwinion specialty. Marker is a hairpin.
LORIMER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of horse tack which include horse and oxen shoes, a Rohirrim specialty. Marker is a saddle.
SPICER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of spices, spice sachets, and spice mixes. A Dorwinion specialty. Marker is spices.
VITNER - Artisan specializing in the making and selling of wines. A Dorwinion specialty. Marker is a wine-bottle.
The following are the Guilds of Rhovanion, each Guild is responsible for the various 'fields' of crafts beneath which can be attributed to them. A Guildsman is a recognized and active Freemen License Holder who has been accepted into the Guild, paying dues to have access to the Guild Halls in Laketown, specialty tools therein, social prestige of being seen as responsible, Artisan Union-loyal and law-abiding. Guildmasters are representatives to the 'field' of the crafts attributed to the Guild, who represent the interest of said field, the materials therein and the position of the Guild in terms of laws, the economy and the Council. Guildmasters oversee the exchange of materials between Guilds in terms of deals while Mongermasters for the Mongers Guild oversees the import and export of raw and manufactured goods. If you are transporting goods from town to an outpost for trade you'll need to pick up a trade writ from the Mongers Guild Hall.
Please note that Guild Membership is not available at the moment in Utterby, this is a feature that will be present and available to License Holders in Laketown.
Artisans Guild
Brewers Guild
Green Grocers Guild
green grocer
Greenwrights Guild
Leatherwrights Guild
Litigant's Guild (Primarily RP role)
Metalwrights Guild
Armorsmiths Guild
Shipwrights Guild (Primarily NPC role)
Skalds Guild (Primarily RP role)
Stonewrights Guild
Threadwrights Guild
Weaponwrights Guild
Woodwrights Guild
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