- Roleplay is required.
- Sharing of in-character information is forbidden without Elder Staff approval.
- Information obtained outside the game is not allowed in-game. - Misuse of IC information.
- Staff shall strive to remain invisible, and minimize ooc communication.
- Code Abuse and Twinkery is not allowed.
- Player Killing without roleplay and IC motivation is forbidden.
- Stacking commands, triggers, aliases, macros, quick-keys and any other auto-entry-tools are illegal.
- Multiplaying is forbidden.
- Offensive roleplay (rape, sexual torture, racial or sexist slurs) is forbidden.
- Consent must be given by all parties when engaging in roleplay of a mature nature.
- Consent may not be given by any player under the age of 18.
- Requesting or giving personal contact information in-game is not allowed. - OOC communication.
- Harassment is not tolerated.
- Policies may change.
Additional policies and information:
- Abandonment Policy
- Activity
- Character Reports
- Code Abuse and Twinkery
- Consent
- Death and Resurrection
- Forum Usage
- Gossip
- Harrasment
- Human Pregnancy
- In-Game Boards
- Losses Due to Linkdeath or Lag
- MasterCrafting Policy
- Mature Content
- Metagaming and IC Information
- Mudsex
- Multiplaying
- Objectionable Content
- Player Killing
- Retirement
- Role-Playing Points (RPP)
- Roleplaying
- Sanctions and Penalties
- Sharing of in-character information
- Staff Conduct and Communications
- Suicide
- Teach
- Triggers and Scripting
- Unretirement
, multiple selections available,
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Copyright 2015 Shadows of Isildur