

In Shadows of Isildur, due to the time and care invested in each individual character, suicide is highly frowned upon. For those players who find themselves simply not having fun any longer with their current character, we usually advise that they somehow attempt to broaden that PC's horizons first. That is, try to find a new job, make different friends, perhaps go on a few trips.

However, we also realize that this is in fact a game, and it would be a waste of everyone's time to ask people to continue playing characters they no longer enjoy. To that end, if you find your PC to be simply untenable, you may choose to retire them via option 5 of the main game menu.

It is highly recommended, however, that you tie up any in-game loose ends first, especially if your PC is in any position of responsibility, or at least leave a message on the main IC gossip board for your area mentioning your PC's departure.

Please note that we do keep a list of who retires their characters, and thus players who are chronically prone to doing so will be highly unlikely to receive roles with any responsibility or influence in the future, as we do not wish to have them easily abandoned.

Players who retire their characters too often, or without good cause, may find a noretire flag on their accounts.

We do allow the unretirement of characters, provided certain conditions are met.

Copyright 2015 Shadows of Isildur