Here at Shadows of Isildur; Laketown, roleplay is not an option; it is mandatory, and an enforced requirement. Should you not enjoy roleplaying, this is likely the wrong MUD for you - kindly look elsewhere, and save us all a bit of trouble.
With very few exceptions, the only OOC allowed in the MUD must take place within designated OOC lounge areas. If any IC information is disseminated via these means, rest assured that Staff will react quite harshly.
However, for those who enjoy consistent, rich, and well-wrought roleplay, we will strive to provide an atmosphere as conducive to these elements as possible. In addition, as Staff we will make a conscious effort to reward
those who demonstrate exemplary roleplay; play well enough, and you just might find bits of the game world revolving around your character.
That said, this is a non-consenual MUD. That means that while you are the Player of your character, you do not choose what happens to them in the grand scheme. Similar to D&D, a DM will decide the fate of your character dependant on the choices they make, the action or inaction they take. The means that, in theory, you cannot choose to abstain from RP because something you do not wish to happen to your character is happening to your character with the exception of intimate scenes, torture, or graphic punishment such as whipping. Here are some examples:
- Staff will never act out an intimate scene between a PC and an NPC
- Staff will offer a Player the choice of RP or Fading on a scene of punishment such as whipping or torture when captured by the enemy
- If your character logged out in a house and that house burns down, you may not claim that you were not in the house. You burned down with it
- Your character may be mugged, beaten, stolen from, or killed without your OOC consent
- Your character may be accused of crimes, made a mockery of, etc. against your OOC consent
- Your character may be injured or killed while idle, link dead, or if you have lapsed into inactivity against your OOC consent
- Your character may be fired from a clan, have their lease or license revoked, etc. without your OOC consent
What non-consensual does NOT mean is that people can RP any of the above without a good, solid IC reason to do so. While you may not have a say in the death of your character, the character killing yours must have a defendable IC reason to do so or face IC consequences. Your character may NOT have intimate roleplay forced upon them in ANY capacity. Rape is not permitted NOR is any kind of sexual bribery. Any violent, graphic, or intense RP that is not sexual - you have the option and right to request a Fade to Black of the scene. That does not mean the scene did not happen.
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