

We require that each player stick to a single game account in their time here, so the staff is better able to track their past characters and roleplay. Furthermore, neither multiplaying nor alternative characters are allowed on Shadows of Isildur. Each player may only have one (1) character alive and in-game at any one time. If you wish to create a new character before the death of your present one, you must first retire your active PC from the account menu.

If, for any reason, you wish to use a second account from your computer's IP address - such as allowing a sibling or spouse to play, or visiting a friend's house and playing from there - you must clear this with the staff before doing so. Our IP-tracking system will tag you as a multiplayer, and if you only give us your excuse after you are caught it will not sit well.

All infractions of this rule, whether the registration of multiple accounts or multiple living characters, are punished quite stringently - so please observe this policy carefully.

Copyright 2015 Shadows of Isildur