Forum Usage

Forum Usage

The following are the acceptable usage policies governing the Shadows of Isildur web forum. If you make use of this resource you are presumed to have accepted these terms, and you will be held accountable to them accordingly.

This should go without saying - but, to be safe - all posts on this forum are out-of-character!

Keep it clean and civil. No flaming, harassment, overly foul language or any other sort of obnoxiousness will be tolerated. When in doubt, ask yourself if what you are posting is work- and family-safe. If the answer to either question is no, it doesn't belong here.

No in-character information of any sort is allowed on the web forum. This includes, but is not limited to, character names, current plotline events, and the location of hidden clans, NPCs, or objects.

Respect copyright law! Do not, under any circumstances, post any copyrighted material, links to illegally pirated intellectual property, or any other such content. We operate on the goodwill of an intellectual property holder - let's not be hypocrites!

Try not to unnecessarily derail the threads you post in. If you must go off on a tangent, consider creating a new thread for that purpose, posting in the OOC Chatter area, or even visiting our IRC server.

If a moderator feels that a thread has served its purpose and been adequately discussed or just abandoned, we reserve the right to lock that thread to prevent it from becoming non-constructive, to prevent thread necromancy, or to otherwise focus attention on more current topics of conversation.

Any moderator on this forum has the authority to edit posts without warning to ensure they follow these policies. Repeated policy infractions by a user may result in a loss of forum privileges, a loss of roleplay points in-game, or even loss of access to the MUD.

Respect the judgment of the forum moderators - namely, the staff, the Guides, and the clan heads. If they edit a post of yours for violation of one of these policies, editing it back to prove a point will only get you in hot water.

If you wish to file a formal complaint against a moderator for an abuse of their discretion, please send an email containing the details to the staff. Be thorough, calm and civil; they will investigate your report soon as possible.

Any and all of these policies are subject to change without notice. Review them periodically.

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