Mature Content
Shadows of Isildur strives to provide a world that meets the TEEN rating as defined by the ESRB (Entertainment Software Ratings Board). We are not affiliated with the ESRB, nor have a rating from them. We only attempt to define the standard to which we hold ourselves.
Online interactions between multiple users are not rated and may contain content of a mature nature that is unfiltered and uncensored.
Many players participate in all kinds of Role Play. It is our policy to live and let live in these scenes. As long as they are not in a public area you will be left to your own devices so long as you do not break any of our other rules.
If you do engage in mature scenes make sure that you ask for and give ooc consent. (This is one time that we will never discourage you from using the ooc command).
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Copyright 2015 Shadows of Isildur