Vol. 12 Issue 3 - Milestones
On December 1, 2013 we have officially requested an update to our DNS settings for our website. The URL middle-earth.us will soon point to our new website and forums and the old will be archived. We've embraced a bold, new look for our public-facing site. One that embraces a clean, easy-to read format and a love of stirring imagery. Please join us in stepping into the new Shadows of Isildur - Laketown experience.
The deep history that has evolved around Shadows of Isildur's play areas, such as Minas Tirith, Minas Morgul, Osgiliath and Ithilien, though no longer the focus of our attention are not gone. These beloved places, the characters and events that have stirred our souls over the last decade will not be forgotten. Ever.
Change, though often terrifying, is inevitable and when embraced by the entire community can draw everyone together, forming a more tightly-knit group that can overcome all odds. New adventures. New terrors. New alliances. New challenges on all fronts are being faced every day and will continue to be confronted by future staff as well as players in the coming years. We invite you to join us in this new beginning.
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