Dog Breeds

Dog Breeds

Please Note: The OOC names for these dog breeds are for a visual 
reference only. Use of the Real World names ICly can result in ruining the
immersion of others so please do not do this. Thank you.


Grimatiks or Grimas - (pug)

Old Dalish for Shadows these small, curly tailed dogs are the preferred companions
of the wealthy merchants of Laketown. Lap and companion dogs they are kept as
pets but serve little other discernible function. A shadow of their owners, they will
follow their Master or Mistress close at heel, and are often an obvious reflection
of their Master's temperament for good or bad.

Otterhounds - (bloodhound)

The preferred hunting dogs of Rhovanion,
these shaggy, loyal (if sometimes lazy) beasts will hunt quarry on both land and
water and are known to be good swimmers with curious webbed feet. Much like
a bloodhound, they will follow a scent that interests them to their own demise if
not properly restrained - and are known to follow a smell up to three days
without ceasing if the mood strikes them. As such, they are often the preferred
dogs of bounty hunters and law men of various


Rochis - (perger picards) - herding dog

These shaggy sheepdogs often known as Rochis are kept by Men of
Breeland for herding and protecting their wide flocks of sheep. Happy and
hard-working, they are rare to bark unless in dire need of their Master's attentions.
Rumor holds that sometimes they'll be sent with small packages or notes run
between the various farmsteads of the region, each dog being equally loved
by the farmers who lease-lands border one another.

Lefties - (cairn terriers) - bird dogs

These small bird-hunting dogs share some appearance with their larger cousins
the Rochis. Generally around a foot in height and weighing about a stone-weight
these small dogs come an endless variety of colors. Small with keen noses they
are known to be used for the hunting of gamebirds or rats and other small rodents
or weasels. A curiosity to their breed, they will often point or dig primarily with their
left paw and so their common moniker Lefties.


Bjornbikkja - (caucasian shepherd dog) - game hunting dog

Massive, these long-furred hunting dogs serve their masters in the hunting of large
game like boar, buck, or even bears. Those unfamiliar with the breed can find
themselves in a full and terrible shock when coming across the beasts that can have
more of an ursine than canine appearance. A full sized Alpha male can weigh as
much or potentially more than his Master - with a rumored 250 lbs being the record
and standing some three feet tall.

Joffurhundr - (french spaniel) - bird hunting dog

These slender, long-furred dogs are used for hunting of game-birds, with ducks and
geese as their prized quarry. Loyal and well-bound to their Master's they will also
serve as guard dogs in the homes and halls being more readily trained than larger
breeds and interacting better with children or women. A favorite of the court of
Meduseld, they are often kept by the King and freely roam the Golden Hall, and are
often depicted in tapestry shown sitting at his feet and those of the court at the long

Stiklarakki - (gordon setter) - herding dog

These sleek, shiny-haired dogs are beloved for their use in herding cattle, sheep, or
even horses. They train equally well at hunting of small game and birds, and many
men on the reaches of the Mark keep them for both purposes to ensure a proper
meal and protection for their families.


Lhonghu - (dachsund) - small rat-hunting dog

This curious breed of shiny-coated long-bodied dogs has two distinct lines - the
Maethor (Warrior) and the Torech (the Hole-Digger). The fuller sized lines of the
warrior serving as hunting dogs for boar, deer, and foxes. The small lines of the
hole-digger seeking out hole-dwelling rabbits and with a special fondness rumor
holds for hunting down badgers.

Khaanis - (canaan dog) - herding dog

This pale coated dogs are trained to serve as herding dogs for the farmers and
herdsmen of Gondor. Of curious lineage, rumor holds these dogs originally hailed
from Rhûn or Harad. Wary of the strangers and the unknown, they bark wildly at
those they do not recognize to quickly alert their masters of anything amiss. Mindful
dogs, they will grow despondent if even bored if not kept busy with task or play.

Duinhu - (mastiff) - military only dog

These large, Man-sized dogs are rumored to share stock with the famed Bjornbikkja of
Rohan; the divergences since that shared ancient sire have led this breed to
have a more dog-like appearance with shorter hair and wider paws. Kept as protection
against bear and cut-purse alike, these are the preferred dogs of Guards and
Watchmen throughout the realm.

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