An Introduction to Role-Playing Commands

An Introduction to Role-Playing Commands

In this guide we will cover the essential commands which you will be using to bring your characters to life.

SOI is an RPI (Role-Play Intensive) MUD. As such, you are required at all times within the world to “play” your character as a person, one with a personality, motives, dreams and fears. You will be participating in a ongoing story which is largely influenced on the actions and choices of players like yourself.

So take heed, friends! A solid understanding of how to communicate and interact with other players opens the door for you to enjoy the game as it’s meant to be experienced. Even if you never engage in combat or attempt a single craft check, if you can role play well with others, anything is possible.


It is important to note that although you are given a great deal of flexibility to construct your interactions within the game, that there are some practices which are considered poor-form and are highly frowned upon. Most of these practices can be encompassed within what is know as “POWER EMOTING” or “GOD-EMOTING”.

It is -very- important to recognize the difference between responsible use of these commands and abuse of them.

“God Emoting/Power Emoting” does not give the other party an opportunity to react to an action. It is committed when players use emotes to describe an action that takes away the ability of another player to respond or prevent it, or force actions upon other players. These types of emotes assume a position in which your character is playing “God” in the encounter.

(thumbs down) (Power Emote) “Tom hits Bill so hard that they wet themselves.”

(thumbs up) (Responsible Emote) “Tom throws a punch at Bill with a great deal of force, aiming right for Bill's bladder.”

Use good judgement when preforming an emote. When in doubt play it safe. Power emoting is frustrating for everyone. No one enjoys a game where people can walk up to them and throw them out of a window without taking their skills or opinions into account.




This command echos an out-of-character message that you have gone away from the keyboard, visible to anyone in the room.


SYNTAX: emote <message>

an EMOTE is used to describe the actions and interactions of your characters to others.

Emotes are the bread and butter of an RPI game and are the cornerstone of good RP.

Players are encouraged to use them frequently and elaborately in order to enrich the game play for all.

> emote shuffles his feet and sighs.

Appears as:

A long-bearded man shuffles his feet and sighs.

Furthermore, you can target people and objects within an emote to make it more detailed.

To target a person, insert  ~ before their keyword

To target an object, insert  * before its keyword

> emote picks up *bottle and hands it to ~bill

Appears as:

A long-bearded man picks up a glass bottle and hands it to a tall man with green eyes.

You can also shift your own description to another place within your emote by using @ to indicate where you want your short description to be inserted.

> emote While ~bill extends a hand for *bottle, @ holds it just out of reach.

Appears as:

While a tall man with green eyes extends a hand for a glass bottle, the long-bearded man holds it just out of reach.

You may also indicate a possessive in your targeting by including apostrophe ’s’ at the end of a keyword.

> emote Sighing aloud, @’s hands lower to pass *bottle to ~bill

Appears as:

Sighing aloud, a long-bearded man’s hands lower to pass a glass bottle to a tall man with green eyes.

You may also choose to use dialogue within emotes, shown as thus:

> emote With a wink, @ passes *bottle to ~bill, raising his voice to yell, "PARTY TIME!"

Appears as:

With a wink, the long-bearded man passes a glass bottle to a tall man with green eyes, raising his voice to yell, "PARTY TIME!".


SYNTAX: say (emote) <message>

The SAY command allows your character to speak aloud within a room.

All characters present in the room will be able to hear it.

You will speak in whatever language your character is currently using.

You may insert an emote into your speech using () to enclose it.

You can use *object and ~player to direct your emote like normal.

> say (smiling honestly) Well thank you.

Appears as:

You say, smiling honestly, “Well thank you.”

>say (peering into *bag while looking at ~bill) Oh wow.

Appears as:

You say, peering into a cloth bag while looking at a tall man with green eyes, “Oh wow.”


SYNTAX: tell <person> (emote) <message>

TELL is identical to SAY with the exception that it is targeted to a specific person.

You may insert an emote into your speech using () to enclose it.

You can use *object and ~player to direct your emote like normal.

> tell bill (smiling honestly) Well thank you.

Appears as:

You say to a tall man with green eyes, smiling honestly, “Well thank you.”


SYNTAX: whisper <person> (emote) <message>

WHISPER a tell that is targeted to a specific person and under normal circumstances no one else will hear it.

It is possible others in the same room will ‘overhear’ what you are whispering.

You may insert an emote into your speech using () to enclose it.

You can use *object and ~player to direct your emote like normal.

> whisper bill (quietly) I know the truth.

Appears as:

You whisper to a tall man with green eyes, quietly, “I know the truth.”


SYNTAX: Think <thought>

The THINK command is used for in character thoughts.

It should be used when your character is engaged in any pursuit which might be questionable if viewed by an admin.

It can also be used when you wish to transmit certain information which might explain an action, behavior, or attitude.


> Think If I don’t steal this bread, my family will starve.. I know it’s wrong, but I have no choice.

Please note again that admins can see your thoughts when you use this command, and can be a very useful prop for thinking

through why your character is behaving a certain way, for yourself and any supervising admins. 


SYNTAX: talk (emote) <message>

TALK used at tables or when in groups to speak only to others who are at the same table or in the same group as you.

It is possible others in the same room will ‘overhear’ what you are talking about.

You may insert an emote into your speech using () to enclose it.

You can use *object and ~player to direct your emote like normal.

> talk (quietly, to ~bill) I know the truth.

Appears as:

At your table, you say, quietly, to a tall man with green eyes, “I know the truth.”


SYNTAX: shout (emote) <message>

SHOUT is used to make yourself heard in nearby rooms and areas.

Players in other rooms will not necessarily know who it is that shouted.

Players will know whether the voice was a male voice or a female one.

You may insert an emote into your speech using () to enclose it.

You can use *object and ~player to direct your emote like normal.

Players in other rooms will not see your shout emote.

> shout Thief!

Appears as:

You shout, “Thief!”

Appears in an adjacent room as:

You hear a man’s voice shout, from the north, “Thief!”


SYNTAX: sing (emote) <message>

The SING command will cause you to sing a message out loud, audible to all those in the room.

You may insert an emote into your speech using () to enclose it.

You can use *object and ~player to direct your emote like normal.

> sing Lalala!

Appears as:

You sing, “Lalala!”


SYNTAX: ooc <message>

This command is similar to SAY, with the exception that it can be used to ask out-of-character questions to other PCs

It's ideal for asking questions about game mechanics and commands, if you're unsure of how something works.


Be sure, however, to use it as sparingly as possible! Idle OOC chitchat is highly discouraged here, and will quite

likely draw the ire of any observing admin. On the other hand, using it to instruct new players and ease them

into the game is quite encouraged; remember, as a more experienced player you can have a direct effect

on whether they choose to make SOI their home.


If using this command in such a way, please try to be considerate of other players in the area currently RPing

and draw the new player into a quiet, empty room.


SYNTAX: petition < all | [staff member] | emergency> <message>

Petition sends an out-of-character message to the staff and is available in three forms.

The first 'PETITION ALL <message>' allows you to speak to any staffer who is available.

The second 'PETITION <staff member> <message>' allows you to speak directly to an admin that is listed as available for petitions on the output of the WHO command.

The third, 'PETITION EMERGENCY <message>' is for use in emergencies only and will  broadcast a message to all staff members currently online.


When you petition, please be sure to be very explicit as to what you need assistance with.

Please note that the following uses of petition emergency are perfectly acceptable:

- Asking for an animation of an NPC.

- Needing immediate advice.

- Wanting to speak to any staff member "face to face" rather than use our issue management system.

PLEASE NOTE once an admin is talking to you, you can use: petition <staff name> <message>


SYNTAX: Notify <clan/keyword/name>

Use this command to let another player-character or other clan members, know that you are online and would like to RP.

You may also notify someone by all or a part of their short description.

Note that all online PCs matching your criteria will be notified, so be as specific as possible.


The notify command will cause the user's terminal to issue a system beep, thus helping to catch their attention if they

are in a different window or otherwise away from the keys.

Typing ‘SET MUTE’ will toggle the beeps on and off.


This command can also be used to respond to a notify sent to you or your clan, to let the notifier know that you

are online and ready to engage in role play.

To do this, simply type ‘NOTIFY’ without any extra arguments.

> notify traithe

> notify silver-haired, sapphire-eyed man

> notify The Citizens of Minas Tirith



Shadows of Isildur's journal system is essentially a private bulletin board for each player-character. Using this system, you can keep information pertaining to your character in one easy-to-access place - no more writing down names and short descriptions on scraps of paper, or having to email in bits of background or creative fiction! Simply store them in your journal space, and review them whenever needed. Obviously, these journals are OOC mechanisms; if you want a journal for your character ICly, there are plenty of them to go around in-game, provided you have the required skills. For your convenience, the comment you entered during character generation is automatically stored as entry number one. When used, the JOURNAL command will list all entries currently stored in your journal space; use JERASE, JREAD, and JWRITE to erase, read, and write new entries, respectively.


SYNTAX: journal

You can use this command to see all your current journal entries.


SYNTAX: jread <entry number>

Using this command, a player may read the specified entry.


SYNTAX: jerase <entry number>

Using this command, a player may erase the specified entry.


SYNTAX: jwrite <subject line>

Using the JWRITE command, a player may add a new entry 
to his or her journal space with a specified subject.


SYNTAX: voice <string>

The VOICE command allows you to specify a string that will be appended to your character's speech.

This can be used if your character has a manner of speech that you want to demonstrate consistently.

Typing ‘VOICE’ without an argument will display your current voice string, if any.

Typing ‘VOICE NORMAL’ will reset any voice string you had previously set.

> voice with a husky, rustic drawl

Appears as:

You say, with a husky, rustic drawl, “Hello.”


SYNTAX: travel <string>

The TRAVEL command allows you to specify a string that will be appended to your character's movements.

Consider using it in cases where something is obviously notable or different about your characters movements.

Typing ’TRAVEL’ will display your current travel string.

Typing ‘TRAVEL NORMAL’ with clear your travel string.

Changing your walking speed will also clear your travel string.

> travel limping heavily

Appears when you move as:

The long-bearded man begins walking westward, limping heavily.


SYNTAX: dmote <description>

DMOTE allows a player to temporarily add to his or her character's main or full description.

Consider using it in cases where something is obviously notable and different in your characters appearence.

When someone looks at your PC they will see your DMOTE added to your main description at the end.

Typing ‘DMOTE NORMAL’ will clear it.

> dmote He has huge dark circles under his eyes, appearing as though he hasn’t slept well lately.

> Look self

Appears as:

This man is tall and skinny, and though his head is bald, he has a great, big bushy beard.

He is quite wrinkly and leathery, with beady little eyes and thin, chappy lips.

He has huge dark circles under his eyes, appearing as though he hasn’t slept well lately.

The long-bearded man appears to be in excellent condition.


SYNTAX: pmote <message>

PMOTE allows a player to temporarily alter his or her own character's long description.

Consider using PMOTES if you want to appear in a certain fashion or engaging in a specific action to others.

It is possible to target objects and people in the room just like with an emote using * for objects and ~ for people.

Typing ’PMOTE’ will display your current pmote, if any.

Typing ‘PMOTE NORMAL’ will clear it.

> pmote leans quietly against the wall.

Appears to others who look in the room as:

The long-bearded man leans quietly against the wall.

> pmote slouches here drinking from *bottle with ~bill

Appears to others who look in the room as:

The long-bearded man slouches here drinking from a glass bottle with a tall man with green eyes.


SYNTAX: omote <object> <message>

OMOTE allows a player to temporarily alter an object or items long description within a room.

Consider using OMOTES if you want to arrange an item in a certain fashion or to convey an image.

It is possible to target objects and people in the room just like with an emote using * for objects and ~ for people.

Typing ‘OMOTE <object> NORMAL’ will clear the additional description from the object.

> omote dagger is stuck in the wall here.

Appears in the room as:

A long-handled dagger is stuck in the wall here.

> omote dagger is stuck in the wall above *bottle beside ~bill.

Appears in the room as:

A long-handled dagger is stuck in the wall above a glass bottle beside a tall man with green eyes.


SYNTAX: plan <short|long> <clear|plan message>

The plan command allows you to easily show your immediate and long-term goals to roleplay administrators.

Your short-term plan message is limited to less than eighty characters in length.

Your long-term plan may be up to three lines.

Your plans are strictly for in-character information.

Typing ’PLAN <short|long>’ will display your current short or long term plans, if any.

Typing ‘PLAN <short|long> CLEAR’ will clear out any short or long term plan you have set.

> plan long I am building my reputation as a bounty hunter

Your long-term plan: I am building my reputation as a bounty hunter.

> plan short I am searching for the hideout of a goblin bandit

Your short-term plan: I am searching for the hideout of a goblin bandit.

Reading and Writing


The WRITE command has two entirely separate and distinct uses.

The command will always take you into a text editor where you will fill in the body of the text you wish to write.

You will not see what happens around your character while you are in (edit) mode.

Keep in mind that the editor will not automatically re-format your text, so you will need to pay some attention to where you are putting your line-breaks.

70 to 75 characters (including spaces) is a good rule of thumb to determine you should stop on each line.

To exit the editor, use the @ symbol by itself.

WRITE (Rumor Boards)

SYNTAX: write <board name> <title of message>

WRITE allows you to post messages on our in-game bulletin boards, which do not employ languages or scripts of any sort.

> write commoners Some gossip is overheard...

> write board A scrawled note has been left here.

They represent gossip and rumors which are either being spoken by non-player characters (in the case of patrons)

Or are pinned up on paper or otherwise being passed around (In the case of bulletin boards)

You may make a see a post which says, “A note scrawled in Tengwar has been tacked to the board”. Now, obviously, everyone can actually read this.

But, If you don’t speak Tengwar, then you shouldn’t RP that you are able to understand of this particular piece of information.

Furthermore, if your PC lacks the required literacy skills to actually WRITE and READ ICly, then you should not be posting notes on boards, even if you codedly can.

The most important rule to bear in mind when using these "gossip" boards is to avoid using nameless and faceless vNPCs to convey controversial gossip or slander. Animating and assigning such opinions to non-players is the province of the admin staff only; if you are found to be putting words in the mouths of NPCs in such a way, it will not be looked upon very kindly. Should you wish to convey such information, you should do it in a manner that is ICly traceable to your character.

In other words, don't try to duck the in-character consequences of spreading negative information by using untraceable vNPCs.

WRITE (Items)

SYNTAX: write <object>

WRITE also allows players to write actual notes, via our player writing system.

Ensure that you are speaking the language you wish to write before starting.

> write parchment

> write paper

No matter what the size of the target object, only ONE note may be written PER PAGE.

When writing to a book, you will write on the page that it is currently open to; use the 'FLIP' command to change this page number.


In order to write this way, one must have a writing instrument of some sort, such as a quill, currently HELD

One must also have a VESSEL of ink, pigment, etc, in one's inventory or in the room that you are in.

Note that this is true no matter what medium you choose to write with.

IE: If you want to use chalk, you will need a piece of chalk (writing instrument (held) a box of chalk (vessel), and a slate board.

((This is due to how the code works and should NOT be role played as being odd or confusing in any way.))


SYNTAX: read (<board/book>) (<number>)

The read command allows your character to read the various messages on the boards that can be found throughout the game.

In addition, you may use this to read the contents of a parchment or book-object if you have the appropriate literacy skill.

To change pages inside a book object, you must use the 'FLIP' command.

> read 12

> read 2.board 29

> flip tome 200

> read tome


SYNTAX: erase <message number> <board>

This command will erase the specified message from a board in the room.

If there is more than one board in the area, the board may be specified as the command's second argument.

You may only erase your own messages.

The 'TEAR' command is used to destroy writing on paper.

The ‘ERASE WRITING’ craft is used for chalkboards in particular.





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