Dale and Mirkwood FAQ
Q: What is Laketown?
A: Laketown is where the game will be opened to come Beta. It will be playable while Dale will not be. This Sphere will permit dwarves, humans, hobbits, elves, and dunedain, with some restrictions. Orcs, wargs, and goblins will play in another Sphere. More information will be readily had as we go forward. You can learn more about Laketown here.
Q: How Big is Laketown's Army?
A: What army? Laketown, while being the premier city and capital of Rhovanion, if ever there was one, is not a typical country in terms of comparing it to Gondor or Rohan. The Kings of Rhovanion are long gone, the lines of Dale dwindled to but three struggling families amidst a sea of commonfolk and the hubbub of Laketown's vast and varied market. While Laketown has a small contingent of a Merchant Guard, intended to protect the city's assets and the Mayor, Council, and the like, they do not patrol beyond Laketown or deal with such pursuits. They rely on the military might of the Sons of Girion, also known as the Citadel, for security from wayward swarms of orcs, warg, goblins, and the likes.
The Citadel will be a playable Sphere with Laketown's opening. The Merchant Guard will no longer be and it will resume existing as a police force within the city.
Q: What is Utterby?
A: Good question! Look here for more information.
Not much of the local politics would be known to new characters, except for that is is run by Masters, not unlike other towns and villages in Rhovanion. Like the rest of Rhovanion, Utterby is subject to the laws, restrictions, traditions, and tax expectation of any other under the rule of the Master, Mayor of Laketown and the Council to which the Artisan Union was birthed from.
Q: What are the closest known nearby settlements?
A: The nearest settlement is Georgsholt, only a two day's trek east through the woods, crossing the River Running by barge, before continuing through some more woods to the small village. You can find out more about settlements here.
Q: When Was the Kingdom of Dale Founded? Who Were its People?
A: Much information on this can be had here.
Q: What Do We Know About the Lakemen?
A: We know tons, actually! Check out the rich documentation here, here, and here.
Q: Where Can I Learn More About Mirkwood Forest?
A: Here, here and here, for starters.
Q: Where Are the Nearby Orc Clans?
A: There is one clan presently for Orcs; Vadok.
Q: What Have the Orcs Been Up To Recently?
A: The best place is to find out IC as plots for the Orcs are ever evolving, especially with the opening of separate Warg and Goblin areas to give combat-thirsty Orcs more blood to spill.
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