Gondorians of Dol-Amroth

Gondorians of Dol-Amroth

What is known of the Gondorians of Dol-Amroth is that they hale from Dol-Amroth, a city on the coast of the Bay of Belfalas – a city famous for its infallible walls and its Swan Knights. The Prince of Dol-Amroth, the Crown, resides over the city and its eight Greathouses full of nobles of Numenorian descent.  

Playing a Gondorian of Dol Amroth

- Gondorian Accents can be found here: Accents of Middle-Earth Cultures

- Most Dol-Amroth Gondorians are predominantly fair-skinned and brunet with an uncommon few redheads and bear eyes of blue or brown. Builds are 68-72 inches in height and frames vary.

- The common Gondorian is fond of mimicking the fashions and trends of the noble Greathouses though are slow, catching on a season (or more) after the Nobles whom have already moved on to something new. While Dol Amroth fashion waxes and wanes on details such as sleeve length and collar style, it remains steadfast in its flowing, long-lined and almost Elven look; no doubt a holdover from the days of Elven influence when Edhellond flourished.

- The common man keeps little to no beard, when said beard is present the nature of the grooming dictates the station of the man. If a beard is unkempt, uneven, dirty or rugged – he is a poor man. If a beard is meticulous, well-groomed, oiled or perfumed, he is a wealthy man. For women, the length of her braid dictates her station. To have short hair is to be presumed to be diseased, hair having been cut for pestilence or poverty while to have long hair, the cost of which to keep groomed and cleaned, would imply the woman is well off.

- There are three great crimes believed by those of Dol-Amroth to be a great offense than any other: lying, cowardice and theft. Lying is believed to be a greater crime than cowardice and that greater than theft. Ordinarily grave and reserved, the High Men rarely boast or take oaths, for among the Dúnedain it is most shameful to fail to achieve a promised goal or forswear an oath.

These crimes are dealt with swiftly and harshly and the Law of the Crown is absolute. To lie is to lie to the Prince himself. To be a coward is to be a coward in the face of saving the Prince from death. To steal is to have stolen from the Prince himself for in truth, all that lies in Dol-Amroth belongs unto him. These are words and beliefs carved into the minds and morals of every child born and raised in Dol-Amroth.

- Hold the Swan as a sanctified symbol and do not hunt, eat or wear the meat or feathers of a swan.  The swan, dues to its affiliation in the symbol of the Crown and the Crown’s famous Swan Knights hunting of swans or use of swan feathers is akin to spitting on the Crown itself.

- The common livelihoods of those of Dol-Amroth are that of laborers or merchants. Cotton-growing, harvesting and production of the fiber and cloth is paramount to the export industry in Dol-Amroth. Ship and boat-hands are very common as well. Stonework too is an established profession amongst those of Dol-Amroth, especially in sculpture and gem-work.

- As part of a formal farewell, the common men of Dol-Amroth will grasp both shoulders and nod to one another while the common women will kiss each other’s foreheads. For the noble Greathouses men and women will grasp both shoulders and in turn kiss each other’s foreheads but it is separated amongst the common.

- Before eating a meal, it is believed to be a custom of politeness to stand and remain silent for a moment. It is said that the nobles of the Greathouses too do this and look to the west.

- It is not uncommon for those who have lost great face or pride by committing a crime against the Crown, especially to lie, show cowardice or steal, to take their life so as to prevent their shame from being washed over their family. It too is believed normal for one’s family to prevent that shame from spreading by taking your life.

Gondorians of Dol-Amroth Culture Reference

- Dol-Amroth is a settlement in western Gondor, situated within or close to the Havens of Belfalas and is governed by noble Greathouses serving the Crown: the Prince of Belfalas. Dol-Amorth is the largest city in western Gondor and is situated on a hill along the edge of the Bay of Belfalas just south of the mouth of River Morthond. The city’s high walls and underwater chains afford the city its great reputation of never having fallen and the likelihood of never doing so in the future.

- Each noble Greathouse, including the leading House of Dol-Amroth, are protected by the Swan Knights, famed for their glory and prowess as the finest cavalry in all of Gondor. The symbol of the Swan Knights is silver upon blue, bearing a white ship in the likeness of a swan upon blue waters. Dol-Amroth also supports an inner-city police force called the City Watch which handle day to day business leaving the Swan Knights to attend the Crown, nobility and the protection of the Dol-Amroth lands, and more rarely the protection of wider Gondor at the Prince’s command.

- There are 9 Greathouses of Dol-Amroth.  They represent the lineages of pureblood Dúnadan who have lived in Dol Amroth since the time of Imrazôr, Lord of Belfalas, whose son, the first Prince of Dol Amroth - Galador - legend tells was Half-Elven. As a small hereditary aristocracy, they tend to look unfavorably on marriages outside their caste and race. For even in marriage otherwise equal in financial or social standing, to marry outside of the “grey-blood” is to bequeath upon offspring a much shortened lifespan.

Petty AKA Lesser Nobles

Great warriors who retire honorably from service as Swan Knights or from the Royal Navy stationed in nearby Pelargir are at times granted petty noble titles with the rights and privileges thereof. Granted for great accomplishment in meritorious service, it is the highest honor a Knight or a man of the Royal Navy can be given. These are known as lesser houses as they come and go, as they are written to pass away from the lineage after two generations. Thus a man can grant baronet right to his son and his grandsons (and by marriage their wives), but his great-grandsons will be titleless.

Being granted a petty noble title usually comes with the granting of land from which the retired soldier and his successors can rent to farmers to collect rents or to retire to themselves to work. If there is no land to be granted, the Prince may instead, grant the petty noble a stipend.    

Even without this legal honor, those who retire from service as a Swan Knight or an officer from the Royal Navy are treated with high station, and are usually addressed as “Sir” or “Captain” or their equivalent rank for the rest of their days. A former petty noble family that has passed through an honorably granted peerage is still associated and afforded respect for their ancestors’ service.

Petty noble status can also be earned through political ascension to a high position as one of the Prince’s Ministers though for a man of common birth and bloodline to obtain such a position is indeed, very rare. When it does occur, it is generally the position of Chancellor, the Minister of Finance that those outside the Greathouses manage to claim. In recent history, Adelard Aglarlan of Pelargir accomplished just that.

Swan Knights

The Swan Knights represents the honorable forces of the Crown. They are known to hold and maintain the Sea-ward Tower, Tirith Aear, and use it’s famed bronze bell to communicate to the Royal Navy with whom they work closely. They prize the traditions of Westernesse and a young noble or an aspiring commoner training for Knighthood is expected to excel not only in the use of arms, but in customs and courtesies. To become a Knight is to bear the peerage and colors of the Prince and to be the representative of his will to the people of Dol Amroth, and to do so with anything less than the best of manners and decorum would be uncouth.

Swan Knights known as “Household Knights” are at times trained by the garrison to be granted as the personal guards of noble households.

- The Swan Knights are made up of the ranks below:

            - Ethiron Rhivilyr – (Recruit) New Soldier for the Crown

            - Rhivilyr – (Private) Soldier for the Crown

            - Ohtari – (Corporal) Soldier for the Crown

            - Requain – (Sergeant) Knight of the Crown

            - Arequain – (Lieutenant) Royal Knight

            - Irnil – (Captain) Knight-Marshall of the Crown

            - Cordaga – (Commander) General of the War Council

            - Varenil – Crown Prince, Successor to the Throne of Dol-Amroth

            - Aran – Prince of Dol-Amroth

Noble Greathouses

            - House Dol-Amroth- Highest and Most Noble House of the Princes of Dol-Amroth. The common coloring of House Dol-Amroth is black hair and very pale grey eyes. The most notable features of the House of Dol-Amroth are their very tall stature, slender builds, and distinctive hawkishness to the bridge and overall aspect of their nose. The symbol of the House is a white swan upon blue waters. House Dol-Amroth owns all.

            - House Telmehtar– One of three prominent Greathouses of Dol-Amroth. The common coloring of House Telmehtar is black hair and light grey eyes. The most notable features of House Dol-Amroth are their tall height, willowy build and alabaster skin. The symbol of House Telmehtar is a pair of crossed silver lances adorned with black banners. House Telmehtar with a long history of meritorious service often has kin within high ranks of the Swan Knights and the City Watch, and thus by connection controls much of the military in Dol-Amroth short only perhaps of the Prince himself.

            - House Arandar – One of three prominent Greathouses of Dol-Amroth. The common coloring of House is black hair and grey eyes. The most notable feature of House Arandar are their broad-shouldered men and famously-beautiful women. The symbol of House Arandar is a white dove flying upon grey skies. House Arandar controls several lucrative and successful cotton farms and weaving halls in Dol-Amroth, constantly battling House Cyndere for dominion. House Arandar also produces some of the most sought after perfumes from its flower-growing farms. While the Greathouse owns these ventures, they are more a means of coin and game-playing with House Cyndere and thus give little interest to the doings of said ventures unless there is coin-loss or some ill-wrought thing happening that could stain their reputation, especially with the Prince.

            - House Cyndere– One of three prominent Greathouses. The common coloring of House Cyndere is black hair and dark grey eyes. The most notable features of House Cyndere are their reputed curls, more stocky or curvy build, and reputed porcelain skin. The symbol of House Cyndere is a white feather upon a blue sky. House Cyndere controls several lucrative and successful cotton farms and weaving halls in Dol-Amroth, constantly battling House Arandar for dominion. House Cyndere produces some of the most sought after dyes in all of Middle-Earth from its few flower farms. While the Greathouse owns these ventures, they are more a means of coin and game-playing with House Arandar and thus give little interest to the doings of said ventures unless there is coin-loss or some ill-wrought thing happening that could stain their reputation, especially with the Prince.

            - House Elenath – One of five lesser Greathouses known for their dark brown hair and grey eyes. The symbol of House Elenath is a small white shell on a green and blue mosiac. They are known to be conservative and stay largely out of the infighting of the more prominent Houses. Their long history as explorers and traders gave House Elenath a great breadth of knowledge, which they store in Rond-parma, their great public Lyceum where their members are known to hold public lectures for the education of the masses. Thus, House Elenath is the pinnacle of Dol-Amroth’s most coveted commodity: history.

            - House Forhel – One of five lesser Greathouses known for their black hair and blue-grey eyes. The symbol of House Forhel is a blue serpent on a silver backdrop. House Forhel maintains one of Dol Amroth’s most enduring cultural traits - a high aptitude for melodic harp-playing that is revered and skilled throughout Gondor and even beyond. Minstrels and Bards to Princes and Stewards, they are known to find fame home and abroad

            - House Gydarin – One of five lesser Greathouses known for their brown hair and blue-grey eyes. The symbol of House Gydarin is a silver fox on a blue backdrop. House Gydarin, reputed to have some legends amongst their blood-lines of epic adventures on the seas to the west oversee the comings and goings of trade upon the Bay of Belfalas by way of the Ministry of Trade. House Gydarin controls the sole Silk Guild that produces sea-silk.

            - House Emberlan – One of five lesser Greathouses known for their black hair and brown-grey eyes. The symbol of House Emberlan is a silver-outlined blue flame on a blue backdrop. House Emberlan oversees the merchant halls and the mercantile laws by way of the Ministry of Guilds.

            - House Silme – One of five lesser Greathouses known for their brown hair and brown-grey eyes. The symbol of House Silme is a folded silver wing on a blue backdrop. House Silme oversees the laws of Dol-Amroth with a long history of producing litigants and members of the court involved in the Ministry of Law.

- Dol-Amroth is the only city in Gondor, and really, the standing realms of Men where Sindarin is the vernacular of the people. Though the Steward’s Common is spoken and known by all, Sindarin is the language of scholarship and business in Dol Amroth.  

- Inheritance falls to males. If no male child is produced in a union and the father dies, another of his family name whom is male will inherit. If no male child is produced in a union and the mother dies, the father can remarry to produce an heir though if none is produced, inheritance again falls to the next in line of his family which depends on the Greathouse.

- The common caste of Dol-Amroth is similar to much of Gondor which is made up of the working and labor class and the merchant class. Due to Dol-Amroth being in an advantageous location upon the Bay of Belfalas much import and export happens here bringing wealth and a plethora of culture to the city and its people.

- Dol-Amroth, due to its location and countryside, produces much by way of cotton and thus muslin, cotton cloth, canvas (of which the larger portion is sold to the Royal Navy for sails), cotton-seed oils and cotton-seed butters. Some very fine fruits, dyes and perfumes come out of Dol-Amroth as well. There are some who claim that there is no stonework, short of the Dwarves, as fine as the artisans of Belfalas finest jewel that is Dol-Amroth.

- Dol-Amroth is well known for its very rare, very prized and wholly expensive seasilk; a golden cloth that is woven by some manner of skill and sourcing known only by the Silk Guild - they are very careful and secretive about their doings and thus there are many tales, good and bad, of their doings. Some claim that to work for the Silk Guild is to gamble with your life for the rare apprentice taken in is rarely again seen.

- Dreams are a private matter and considered very taboo to be spoken of lightly or in public, deemed as intimate to be shared as a kiss with a lover.

What Would Other PCs Know About Gondorians of Dol-Amroth?

- Dol-Amroth is famous for its never-falling cities walls which have held up against any attack to which has been brought to its seaward or landward walls.

- Dol-Amroth is famous for its Swan Knights – the army of the Crown; the Princes of House Dol-Amroth.

- Muslin, cotton. and canvas fabric are common exports out of Dol Amroth to Rhovanion and Laketown. The latter of particular importance in the production of fishing ship sails. The mysterious golden thread known as sea-silk is known to be made there, but it is a treasure of the few and the wealthy. How it is made, no one seems to know.

- Gondorians of Dol-Amroth commonly speak both Elvish (Sindarin) and Common and naming conventions often have Sindarin similarities but are rarely Sindarin words specifically as if the common man and woman were familiar with said sounds but not necessarily the meanings.

- Blond hair or green eyes are unheard of amongst those native to Dol-Amroth. Black hair or grey eyes exist only within the noble Greathouses. To have them otherwise bespeaks of bastardry or Corsair lineage.  

- Gondorians of Dol-Amroth are very proud, to accuse them of lying, being a coward, or a thief will likely get your butt handed to you by them very, very quickly.

- To be caught in Dol-Amroth as a thief is to immediately be erased from Middle-Earth. What thieves are rumored to exist there are said to be the very best and most elite underground guild of thieves to have ever existed. Some bard’s favorite tales of Dol-Amroth are the stealing of the Prince’s most prized jewels while he wore them and the thief was never caught. Is it true? Would you seriously expect a Gondorian from Dol-Amroth to ever admit such a horrible, shaming, pride-stomping crime could be real?

Suggested Backgrounds and Roles

Field Laborer of Dol-Amroth

Requires 3 RPP.

Strongly Suggested Skills: Farming, Gardening

Other Useful Skills: Foraging, Handle, Hunting

Background: You hale from the common-born caste of Dol-Amroth, a famous city on the Bay of Belfalas in western Gondor. You serve a farm or a homestead upon the pastoral plains and hills of Belfalas as a laborer. Whether born into said service by way of your parents or having come into your position by another relative, you, like many others around you, labor for whichever Greathouse owns said farm or homestead. What you do as a laborer might depend on the farm or homestead you serve though the most prolific positions are a cotton-farmer, fruit-harvester, and shepherd. Whether by fortune or misfortune, you find yourself in Laketown.

+10 to Farming or Gardening, Sindarin

Weaver of Dol-Amroth

Requires 3 RPP.

Strongly Suggested Skills: Textilecraft

Other Useful Skills: Artistry, Gardening

Background: You hale from the common-born caste of Dol-Amroth, jewel of the Bay of Belfalas in western Gondor. Either farm-raised or city-raised, you’ve come upon some training in the weaving arts of Dol-Amroth’s famous cotton and canvas. Perhaps on a farm or homestead owned by one of the Greathouses you spun the fibers or perhaps instead in Dol-Amroth itself you worked as an apprentice in one of the many great weaving halls – dyeing cotton, spreading frames, and working the great looms. Whether by fortune or misfortune, you find yourself in Laketown.

+ 10 to Textilecraft, Sindarin

Boatman of Dol-Amroth

Requires 3 RPP.

Strongly Suggested Skills and Attributes: Seamanship, Dexterity

Other Useful Skills: Textilecraft, Woodcrafting, Fishing

Background: You hale from the common-born caste of Dol-Amroth, Belfalas crown jewel of the Princes of House Dol-Amroth. Boats and ships of the Greathouses are your livelihood as a repairman, sail-maker, net-maker, boat-handler or fisherman of some ilk, either way your profession involves much contact with the Bay of Belfalas. Whether by fortune or misfortune, you find yourself in Laketown.

+ 5 to Seamanship, Sindarin

Disinherited Noble of a Lesser Greathouse

Requires 4 RPP.

Strongly Suggested Skills: Education, Cirth

Other Useful Skills:

Background: You hale from Dol-Amroth and were born of little consequence in the blood-ranks of one of Dol-Amroth’s five lesser Greathouses. You are not unfamiliar to the ways of Dol-Amroth nor are you likely prepared for your future, for whatever crime or argument committed, or capricious youth established, you find yourself disposed of any inheritance and claim of your family’s holdings, fortune or name. Here you are, stripped of everything you were and everything you knew, in Laketown. You are unable to carry your noble name and have been wiped from any records in Dol-Amroth with no hope of return or atoning for whatever you have done. You are not Dunedain.


Dishonorable-Discharged Swan Knight

Requires 4 RPP.

Strongly Suggested Skills: Small-Blade, Long-Blade, Dual-Wield

Other Useful Skills: Brawling, Bludgeon, Sneak, Hide, Sole-Wield, Long-Blade

Background: You are common-born, haling from Dol-Amroth and were either born into or groomed for service in the famous Swan Knights whose ranks are legendary for their prowess, prestige and elite, if not rare, acceptance into their ranks. Whether due to a crippling ailment or perhaps discharged and deemed unfit for service in the Name of the Crown – you have been removed of your service. Your rank is no more, your uniform and its reputation returned to the Knights. You would not have exceeded the rank of Ohtari. Perhaps shamed by age, crippling ailment or your dishonor at whatever earned you your discharge, you have left Dol-Amroth and find yourself in Laketown.

+ 5 to a combat skill and + 5 to a support skill though not a craft skill, Sindarin

Retired Swan Knight

Requires 5 RPP.

Strongly Suggested Skills: Small-Blade, Long-Blade, Dual-Wield

Other Useful Skills: Brawling, Bludgeon, Sneak, Hide, Sole-Wield, Long-Blade

Background: You are common-born, haling from Dol-Amroth and were either born into or groomed for service in the famous Swan Knights whose ranks are legendary for their prowess, prestige and elite, if not rare, acceptance into their ranks. Due to your service in the Name of the Crown – you earned yourself low-level Nobility and the title of ‘Sir’ though this would not equate you to the Nobles of Dol-Amroth nor will your family, spouse or children carry on your entitlement. Due to age or a crippling ailment, you have left Dol-Amroth and find yourself in Laketown with your title of ‘Sir’.. You would not have been lower in rank than Arequain nor would your age be less than 30.

+ 10 to a combat skill and + 5 to a support skill though not a craft skill, Sindarin

Stories and Songs

Players are encouraged to submit songs and stories for Gondorians of Dol-Amroth as they’re playing. Please respect all Copyright Laws. If it is someone’s work, heavily or loosely based on someone else’s work, or even that of work too old to maintain a maker’s name – give the source, when submitted, due credit.

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