Important NPCs of Utterby and Vadok Mal
This page is for important NPCs any character in their respective sphere would know about. Note, however, that IC events may mean not all information here is current.
Vadok Mal
The eastern-most mountain of the Mirkwood Mountains, Vadok Mal was previously occupied by skilled artisans of dwarvish lineage. Where these dwarves have disappeared to is a mystery to the entire area, though rumors abound. The mountain itself is a jagged peak riddled with rough tunnels that spider web their way through the entire area. Set slightly apart from the Mirkwood Mountain Range it makes for an extremely good defensive position and place from which to launch raids into Central Mirkwood. The Western Passage, which runs from north to south along the western foothills of Vadok Mal has long been known to be an extremely dangerous route for man, beast and orc. It is normally avoided if at all possible.
Vadok Ushtarak Warband
One of many warbands within the dark woods of Mirkwood, Vadok Ushtarak claims Vadok Mal as its home and enjoys the benefits of this inherited fortification. Leadership of the Warband has passed through many orcs over the years, most holding the position for less than five before being usurped by underlings or murdered in their sleep by assassins. The forces of Dol Guldur are known to interfere from time to time, imposing their will upon the orcs of the Warband.
Striza (dead)
a thin-haired orc with a subtle underbite
Striza is the undisputed tribal leader of the Vadok Ushtarak and a seasoned warrior and tactician, having fended off dozens of claims to his leadership. Being one of the region’s most dominant captains for decades, many of the neighboring tribes both fear and respect him, knowing he will probably outlive them like he has the generations before. Rumors among the remaining Vadok Ushtarak veterans speak of Striza being in some way the Necromancer’s favorite, but no one really knows how or why. Considered relatively clever for an Orc, Striza is also calculating but merciless.
Striza was killed in battle by his second, Kreezur Bloodhand, while attempting to unite the orc clans of Central Mirkwood.
Kreezur Bloodhand (dead)
a muscular, wide-eyed orc
Kreezur Bloodhand is seen by many as the young prodigy Orc that will one day soon replace Striza in his role as tribal leader, regardless of his age. Unlike Striza, Kreezur is aggressive, volatile, and impatient, letting all but Striza know that one day he’ll be the tribal leader for the Vadok Ushtarak. Kreezur earned his namesake thanks to the ritual he can be seen performing before battle, cutting his palm and imprinting the crimson hand on his scarred chest.
Kreezur was killed in his sleep by assassins that came up from the Underdeeps, his throat laid open wide. The Warband revenged his death shortly after by clearing the deeps of the smaller cave orcs.
a lank, scab-faced orc
Zakur is the resident healer under the mountain, and formerly an ally of the Vadok Ushtarak leader Striza, though it is said he was outcast from the tribe for betrayal and stripped of all but his rags. Today he is an aspiring shaman, seeking his next concoction or apprentice in the wilds.
Gararic Omdahl
a keen-amber-eyed, chestnut-haired man
It is known that the Master of Utterby hailed originally from the Redwater at the basin of the Iron Hills, and that he once worked at a Usury office in Laketown, making some small fortune that he used as the capital to fund transformation of Utterby into a fortified village and to build the Lumber Mill and thus secure the hand of Amandine, his wife. Now that he's of middle age, his son, Ealstan, has taken over Overseeing the Lumber Mill for him, while his eldest son, Rogan, is learning how to manage the town, though Gararic's hand is still very much present.
Amandine Omdahl
a delicately-featured, red-tressed woman
Amandine was Askell's daughter and once the red-headed beauty of the town. She married Gararic and is what many would consider a political wife. The gardens are one of her projects to "keep things more civilized."
Boovar "Bov" Askellson
an immense, rust-haired man
Amandine's brother is one of the most important men in the Lumber Mill. He's the Overseer of the Hunters and Trappers (and Fishermen) so all of the meat and furs and the monitoring thereof are his duty for the town's export and trade.
Ealstan and Eastmaer Omdahl
an amber-eyed man with chestnut curls and a chestnut-curled man with amber eyes
Gararic and Amandine's twin sons. Ealstan is the Overseer of the Timberwrights, the second most important of the men in the Lumbermill. Eastmaer is little more than a layabout and lothario. The most difficult thing here is that they are identical twins in spite of the fact that they're polar opposites.
Rogan Omdahl
an auburn-haired man of haughty bearing
Gararic and Amandine's eldest son who is training under his father in usury and the management of the town.
Askell Fleinnson
Originally hailing from Bramblewood, years before Gararic's arrival, Askell built the Ironwood Inn and fathered Amandine and Bov. He has since retired and left the Inn in the capable hand(s) of his apprentice, Ragnar.
Ragnar - Innkeeper of the Ironwood
a barbate, one-armed man
Ragnar lost one arm below the elbow, but still works around the inn and handles the brewing, though his talent isn't anything like Askell's once was. A much bemoaned fact in town.
Brandron Coghlan - Town Blacksmith and Artisan's Overseer
a grizzled man with a grey, twisted beard
As long as anyone can remember, he's been the town's blacksmith, though he's since taken on more of a managerial role with exports and import of metal for the Lumber Mill.
Sigvard Burnburr - Tax collector and Usurer
a lanky, saturnine male
The Master offered Sigvard, who was once an apprentice in the same Usurer's office at which he worked, a position in Utterby and was taken up on it. He is a collector of favors and secrets and everyone seems to owe him something.
Wulfhjar Eolfson - Captain of the Guard
a brawny, golden-haired man
It is well known that Wulfhjar was madly in love with Amandine as a youth and even now, it is fairly well known that he carries a torch for her.
Dormond Rorrekk - Overseer of the Farmers
a short, stocky, and heavy-browed man with brown hair
Probably the least important of the roles within the Lumbermill, Dormond came from Barleyhill (a small agricultural village near Laketown) and remains a quiet and unassuming man who has big ideas that often fail in regard to making farming as useful as he's convinced it could be for Utterby. Given his appearance, a regular joke about the Mill is whether or not Overseer Dormond has indeed, Dwarvish heritage, though no Lodgeman sees fit to justify such a jest by actually mentioning it to him.
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