Dooms of Utterby

Dooms of Utterby

Dooms of Conduct

Utterby, being a free settlement of free men, shall hold no thralls, nor permit them to be held in its domain, nor Utterby itself. 

Utterby shall maintain a citizenry, granted certain rights in exchange for certain responsibilities. Any law-abiding Man may become a citizen of Utterby by swearing an Oath.

In Utterby and Utterby's domain the peace will be kept, and those breaking it needlessly will be levied with fines and punishments at the discretion of Utterby's Guard.

In Utterby and Utterby's domain theft shall be dealt with severely, with fines and punishments leading from whippings to hangings. 

In Utterby and Utterby's domain assaults will not be tolerated, with fines and punishments leading from jail time to whippings.

In Utterby and Utterby's domain murder will be dealt with harshly, with a penalty of beheading or hanging. The Captain may lessen the sentence depending upon circumstances.

Any citizen of Utterby may appeal their punishments to the Captain or Master of Utterby, though those appealing for lesser crimes may find the punishments more severe.

Dooms of Commerce

Utterby's domain is held in common, and all may take and work from that that it produces and holds.

The right to export is held solely by the Master, the Lodge, the Artisan's Union, the Guard, and property holders within Utterby.

Citizens of Utterby may freely import goods into Utterby, while strangers must buy instead from citizens or other strangers.

Citizens of Utterby may work for any landholder or institution within Utterby, while strangers may work freely for themselves, eachother, or the citizens of Utterby.

Dooms of Defense

Utterby is all that extends from the central square, to the surrounding walls and docks. Within Utterby, all land is owned, by either those that hold the deeds and papers to their land, or else the Master of Utterby.

Utterby's domain is that which extends from the walls of Utterby to the far bank of the surrounding rivers.*
this needs changing/editing, but was shorthand for 'that place where people go to gather wood from/hunt in,' mostly.

Utterby's citizenry shall maintain two separate levies, the fyrd and the auxiliaries.

Utterby's fyrd will be formed of able-bodied men and volunteer women, aged sixteen to fifty. They will be required to defend Utterby and Utterby's domain in emergencies, assembling for four rings of the bell. The fyrd will maintain a proper weapon, a shield, and a bow.

Utterby's auxiliary will be formed of able-bodied women, boys too young, men too old, or the otherwise crippled or incapable. They will be required to defend Utterby itself from assault or disaster, assembling for five rings of the bell. Members of the auxiliary will be required to maintain a bow.

Utterby's citizenry may further volunteer for the militia, required to maintain armor but given pay in exchange for patrolling outside Utterby's domain.

Utterby shall maintain a full-time Guard for the enforcement of its dooms and the defense of its domains, given pay, lodging, and armor.

Utterby shall maintain one serviceable rivercraft, for the defense of Utterby and its waters.

Utterby's citizenry will be required to help maintain Utterby's roads, docks, and defenses, though not for more than four hours in a day, and only two months each year.

All credit for this to Icarus, whose initial forum posting can be found herehttp://www.middle-earth.us/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2337

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