The Utterby Merchant Guard
The Utterby Merchant Guard is a branch of the Laketown Trading Company residing in Utterby and charged with its protection. It is commanded by Captain Wulfhjar Eolfson who is under commission from Master Gararic Omdahl. The Merchant Guard act not only as the primary defense of the town and its surrounding lands, but also as the town's police force ensuring its laws and the laws of the Artisan Union are abided.
Contracts will be drafted and signed with the Laketown Trading Company that last for 1 year. On top of room, board, and training, the contract contains provision for a sign-on bonus of 100 for good behavior every 6 months. What is deemed ‘good behavior’ is at the sole discretion of the Merchant Guard’s officers. After the first six months, if good behavior is followed, the first bonus of 100 coppers will be given out. At the conclusion of one’s contract, armor, weapons, and anything else belonging to the Guard will be returned and the man or woman will collect 100 coppers for one year’s service or an extension of contract may be requested.
I, (Name) confirm by oath upon this covenant that I desire to preserve peace and here do I swear fealty and service to the Laketown Trading Company, Utterby and her peoples. I promise to bear truth and allegiance to the Citizens of Utterby, to uphold and enforce the law that govern them, to listen and obey, without question, to shed my blood and if necessary, give my life to the defense of the the land, the people and my fellow Guardsman until my contract is at an end or until my last breath is drawn.
Guardsman will train in the evening/late hours, and be hale enough to muster for a patrol each morning if one is called for or to protect Lodge folk if they request an escort beyond the gates. Those that are unfit for patrol the morning of will be tasked with having to guard the leader of the patrol or the member with the least amount of experience; whichever takes precedence or is decided upon by the patrol lead. Training is essential and those more experienced Guardsman should offer lessons to any other seeking them.
The men and women of the Merchant Guard are each provided with a standard issue leather uniform upon joining as a Recruit. Beyond the rank of Recruit, armor is dispensed by the favor of a Corporal or higher. Weapons are provided based on skill and availability, To those joining without any, or with little skill in fighting, they will be trained up in the weapon of their choosing. Bows are issued to those able to use them effectively, or to those who wish to learn to do so.
Guardsman Recruit - Red Armband
Guardsman Private - Red Armband with a Single Spear
First Guardsmen (Senior Private) - Red Armband with a Single Spear
Guardsman Corporal - Red Armband with Crossed Spears
Guardsman Sergeant - Red Armband with a Shield and Crossed Spears
Promotion from Recruit to Private is rewarded after three months (1 RL month) time unless it’s decided otherwise by an officer. Promotion from the Private rank on is done at the sole discretion of the Sergeant rank and above.
Privates can make arrests –only- if a life is in immediate risk. Otherwise they should seek out an officer or report the incident with the men in the mess hall.
Rewards and bonuses will be provided to Guardsman for outstanding deeds or actions. These will be paid for the patrol as a whole, and distributed evenly.
Orc Head – 50 coppers
Orc Prisoner – 150 coppers
-Variable bounty on all intel useful to the war effort, from 5-50cp, approved by an officer.
Moonflower – 25cp for handful of petals. Night patrols will require a 5-person patrol.
Further bonuses can be applied at the discretion of the officers depending on participation and resource acquirement during patrols.
There are also crafts in game currently that provide for a bounty on both wolf and warg carcasses and pelts. Civilians may be given the full measure of coin from their kills. Merchant Guard patrols however, must deposit the MG's portion of the bounty into the coffers, to offset the cost of new armor and weapons. This may change in the future.
Officers have the ability to call on hazard pay. Hazard pay is called on when Guardsman face risk that is significantly more than what their contract calls for and not directly related to Utterby’s defense. Abuse of hazard pay constitutes a major offense and will be monitored closely by the Sergeant and Captain. It is never paid to an officer, only enlisted men.
Standing Orders
Obeying Orders –Lawful orders are to be carried out quickly and to the best of a Guardsman's ability. The chain of command has been established by Captain Wulf and his Adjutant Kennath for the reason of combative efficiency, and will therefore be respected by any and every man within it.
Patrols – All members of the Merchant Guard are expected to regularly accompany sanctioned group patrols. On these patrols, soldiers are to remain alert and ready for the unexpected at all times. There are strict regulations for the running of patrols which all men of the Guard should ensure they are aware of.
Patrols consisting of at least four persons are permitted to patrol the bog.
Escorting noncombat personnel into the wood for their work, like woodcutters and such is not mandatory but heavily recommended for those seeking bonuses or promotion.
The patrol leader or the man the leader charges with the responsibility will leave a return report with the following information before retiring:
-A list of men on patrol with name/rank (including himself as the lead)
-Expected route or destination
-Route traveled
-Any important information/abnormalities
-Any injuries/casualties
-Any other pertinent information
A simple report should be given of who is going and where before leaving the town. Failure to leave a report with the men in the mess hall will result in a 10 copper cut in pay for the month. If you can’t report, you can’t lead.
All Guardsman should regularly spend some length of time patrolling the palisade and looking for signs of trouble outside of Utterby. (Most of time spend as a Guardsman whilst offline)
The alarm bell in the training yard is used to muster the men to a patrol and alert the town of an imminent threat to its walls. This is not to be used for minor issues and the bell should not be used save in times when the safety of Utterby is at risk. Harsh punishments will be issued to any that misuse this right given to the Guard so if you have any doubts ask an officer or senior soldier.
One toll – Patrol is mustering
Two tolls – Enemies or danger spotted
Three tolls – Walls are under attack
Recruits are restricted to the area within the town walls unless given explicit permission from an officer to leave, or when taking part in a sanctioned group patrol. Privates and above are permitted the occasional periods of leave to spend as they wish, though they must first ensure duties for the day are completed.
Guardsman are, at all times, expected to act professionally and appropriately. Their personal appearance, uniform and weaponry should be maintained at a high standard at all times. Good relations with fellow Guardsman and officers are the basis for a coherent and effective fighting force, and to that end, Guardsman should do their utmost to maintain an amicable and co-operative attitude at all times.
If disputes arise, the matter should be immediately brought to the attention of an officer in order to mediate the problem. As an alternative, Guardsman have the option instead to settle disputes in the ring. Those challenged must be of equal rank or at most one rank above their current. These challenges must be issued on the clan boards and approved by an officer first. The time of these duels will be agreed upon and the victor will be recorded on the clan boards as well. Guardsmen resorting to verbal or physical battles outside of duels are often punished.
Conduct Around Officers - Officers are men who have proved themselves worthy of a commission, and have been entrusted with the command and duties aligned with their rank. As such, they should be given respect and unquestioning obedience in all situations.
Minor Offenses
• Failure to comply with any of the Standing Orders,
• Unarmed assault, defined as an unarmed physical attack against another with the intention of causing bodily harm,
• Fighting outside of the sparring area,
• Disturbing the peace, creating dissention,
• Open insubordination, defined as defiant, contradictory, or disrespectful composure, action, inaction, or manner to one of higher station or rank. This includes refusal to follow a lawful order.
• Petty Theft, most insignificant items (clothing, materials, etc.)
• Any other offense deemed to be Minor by a Corporal or above.
Major Offenses
• Armed assault, defined as an armed physical attack against another with the intention of causing bodily harm,
• Major Theft, the most valuable (coin pouches, weapons, keys, etc.)
• Looting of the dead, • Possession of enemy contraband,
• Oath-breaking,
• Any other offense deemed to be Major by a Sergeant or above.
Grave Offenses
• Murder, defined as the taking of another's life without justification,
• Treason, defined as any act that provides any assistance to the enemy,
• Oathbreakers or Deserters
• Any other offense deemed to be Grave by a Sergeant or above.
Minor Offenses
• 1st offense – 20 cp fine
• 2nd offense - Three lashes, and 20 cp.
• 3rd offense - Six lashes and one month’s pay, and reduction in rank.
• 4th offense - Nine lashes, dishonourable discharge.
Major Offenses
• 1st offense - Dishonourable discharge and a confiscation of weapons.
Grave Offenses
• 1st offense - Execution by hanging, or beheading.
All dishonorably discharged soldiers are branded with a simple 'C' upon the right cheek to mark them as a coward and their unsuitability to return to service. This mark makes them known to all members of society.
• Any man wishing to appeal a punishment may come before the Captain and present their case.
• Prisoners are to be stripped of their belongings and shackled in a cell in the gaol. Their boots are to be checked for weapons and may be returned to them, as may their cloak. If they require medical attention, see that it is provided unless the prisoner is too violent for the treater's safety.
• -All- of their belongings are to be stored outside in the holding area and reported to the gaoler. (Board Post Required!)
• Corporals and above are the only ones allowed to enter the cells without specific orders from Officers except for the express purpose of bringing in and securing prisoners.
• Prisoners will be forced to make reparations, or be ransomed or executed after interrogation. Exceptions require the orders of a Captain or the Master.
• Enemies are -never- to be allowed outside of their cells.
• Corpses of inedible animals, such as rats or wolves, are to be burned -outside-, or buried outside the walls. Unusable parts of butchered animals are also to be disposed of. (Please use the ‘junk’ command as not to litter the rooms)
• Blood spills are to be cleaned immediately.
• Bodies of Guardsman who die honourably will be buried in their armour and with their weapons and shield, unless they've a will on file saying otherwise. Officers may overturn this order. ("Burial" can consist of either utilizing the crafts or the junk command and acting as if you buried them virtually)
• An Officer will immediately take charge of the deceased's other belongings to distribute according to the wishes expressed in the will or else to return to the armoury
• The bodies of the citizens will be buried in the cemetery. ("Burial" can consist of either utilizing the crafts or the junk command and acting as if you buried them virtually)
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