Wolfsbane and Silverweed Infirmary Clan Documentation, Rules and Policies

Wolfsbane and Silverweed Infirmary Clan Documentation, Rules and Policies


- Do not hire beyond your clan’s designated Licensure without approval from said clan’s owner. The License only covers the sale of bandages and medicines, no herbs or anything else.
- Do not hire someone already hired by any other clan, which includes PC and NPC clans such as, but not limited to, the Guard or a PC-ran shop. The exception is the Militia.
- Do not hire someone with poor social standing or reputation without approval from said clan’s owner such as, but not limited to, anyone with a criminal past or present.
- Do not give another PC access to the clan areas who is not an employee unless otherwise approved by the clan’s owner.

- Use common sense when interviewing.
- Ask questions.
- Determine if this character will be a benefit and asset to your clan and not a drain on your finances.
- Ensure they are aware of your clan’s specialty and Licensed area.

- No matter the skill, capability, potential or standing – every PC has a probationary period in the clan no less than 1 OOC month unless otherwise approved by the clan’s owner. There are exceptions for early promotion.
- The probationary period is there to ensure that a PC is suitable for the clan and in this time, the PC should display a willingness to learn, a willingness to follow direction, an interest and loyalty in said clan as well as uphold social standing within town.
- Leadership within the clan is also expected to ensure that the recruit is assisted in their learning.

- Promoting within the clan is at the discretion of the Lach of the clan if one is present. If one is not, it is solely upon the discretion of the clan’s owner.

- Recruits= 20cp a month, free room, board and access to materials and tools for crafting.
- Healer= 40cp a month, free room, board or access to materials or tools for crafting.
- Physicker/Midwife/Apothecary/Herbalist/Hedgewitch= 50cp a month, free room, board and access to materials and tools for crafting. 25% discount on goods made by clan.
- Apprentice= 60cp a month, free room, board and access to materials and tools for crafting. 25% discount on goods made by clan. Ability to arrange deals with local material sourcing and purveyors of goods but not finalize. Only one Apprentice at a time. Are able to hire, fire, and other tasks generally done by the Lach, or Owner’s permission, as assistant to the Lach.
- Lach = 100 cp a month, free room, board and access to materials and tools for crafting. Ability to take tips. 50% discount on goods made by clan. Lachs are responsible for the running of the Infirmary beneath the Owner.

- All Recruits, Healers, Physickers, Midwives, Apothecaries, Herbalists and Hedgewitches are expected to attend lessons and trainings in avenues of their work within the clan by appointed teachers or educators in said clan, which could be Apprentices or Lachs.
- Apprentices and Lachs are expected to train those appointed beneath them, in their ‘area’, within the clan.

- The License of the Infirmary covers medicinal crafts and goods. It does not cover the production and sale of anything else.

- Lachs are required to document all sales and trades, purchases or business deals with PCs and NPCs via weekly Character Reports.
- It is generally a good idea to document sales to PCs and NPCs in case question ever arise. This can be done via the clan boards or in weekly Character Reports.
- PC to PC – Lach may make PC to PC sales only in the area designated to their license. All proceeds goes to the clan coffers. Discounts given to PCs that are not clanned and therefor not approved for said discounts must be covered by the Lach. In example, if there is a 5 cp discount, the Lach must pay the discount to the clan.
- PC to NPC – There should be no PC to NPC sales.
- Do not haggle clan NPCs to get a better price for yourself when buying from them.

- Clanned custom orders are open for designing to Physickers, Midwives, Apothecaries, Herbalists, Hedgewitches and up, not to Recruits or Healers.
- Custom designs may only be in the area of the clan’s License; medicinal crafts and goods.
- Unique custom designs, being not craftable and therefor one-time only, should always cost much more than a crafted good.
- It is advisable to run potential designs through a Master Healer before submitting.
- Not all mastercrafts are guaranteed approval. Follow the Mastercrafting guidelines when submitting as these are subject to those.

- Do not take non-clanned persons into clan-only areas of the Infirmary.
- Do not give away information privy to the clan such as crafts, secrets, plans, etc.
- Do not give people access to the dormitories who should not have access to it.
- Do not permit the leaving of the dead in the Infirmary, direct people to the graveyard for appropriate disposal.
- Any removal or use of goods acquired from a corpse is considered looting of the dead.
- Do not use the Infirmary hearth and hall for any crafting other than medicinal.
- Clean up after yourself at all times.

Copyright 2015 Shadows of Isildur